
in HeartChurch2 years ago

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The prayers in the New Testament is different from the prayer in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the people had to ask God, for them to receive from Him. They had to demand, because God has promised to bless them; He promised to give them their needs. So, on the assume of His promises, they make demand in prayer. God was their Jehovah Jireh; their Lord, their healer; their Lord their banner; their Lord their righteousness. This almighty God of glory made vows, so they took Him to chore on His vows.

When Lord Jesus came, simply because He has lived in the old compact, His teachings were also based on the old covenant. When He taught us on prayer, He taught about faith to those that were under the Law of Moses, but that’s not the bestow you live in. So, you can’t really pray the way they pray and expect the kind of out outcome you need to be getting as someone from the New Testament. How to Pray has changed. Those that lived in the Old Testament prayed they expect God to fulfil His promises, but in the New Testament, all the promises of God have been fulfilled in Christ.

Today, you need not to ask God for things the way they did in the Old Testament; all you need is just receive, because all everything are yours already (1 Corinthians 3:21-23). Just walk in the reality of what you inherited and blessed life in Christ. Since God has already gave us everything that we need for life, and to live in Holy to Him, then what do we need to be demanding in prayer? Indeed, prayer in the New Testament isn’t a means of demanding things from God. It's rather an avenue for fellowship with the Lord, which is the highest aim for prayer

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