in HeartChurch3 years ago


One mark of a true blessing is increase. The devil, as much of a liar that he is, couldn’t gainsay this truth of a blessing. In his conversation with the Lord concerning the man Job; he acknowledged that the Lord had blessed Job and it resulted in the increase of his substance in the land.

True blessing brings increase. It doesn’t matter how it starts; but, it gets brighter and greater as the day goes by.

Scriptures affirm; that “the path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” Proverbs 4:18. A blessed path may not always start big, it may not come as a big loud bang, but, one thing is certain: the increase the Lord brings shall show up to announce your blessing. The blessing of God in it makes for the increase of God upon it.

The increase may not align with your time table, it may not align with the kind of increase you see around other people; but, it is something that will beat your wildest imagination and make you stand out as a glorious spectacle to behold.

Do not expect to have the same blessing with your neighbor, because, not everybody’s needs are the same. His situation that required that particular blessing is not applicable to yours.

Blessing brings increase. God told the Israelites in Isaiah 51:2 – “Look, unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him”. Blessed and increased is a divine phenomenon, which no devil big enough in hell can gainsay or withstand.

Eliezer on an errand to get a wife for Abraham’s son; proclaimed before Abraham’s kinsmen – “The Lord hath blessed my master greatly; and He hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels and asses” Genesis 24:35.

So much goes with the blessing of the Lord. With God’s blessing, you can never ever be stranded: “The blessing of the LORD; it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it” Proverbs 10:22. It was the blessing of God that Abraham great.

With the blessing of God upon your life which you proclaim; you cannot escape being great. A blessing is a spoken word that enables you to prosper. Do you have a Word from God? Away with whatever the devil wants to make you believe concerning your situation right now; lay hold on the Word and divine increase shall locate you.


God doesn't necessarily bring "increase" to Christians the same way he blessed the Israelites. Jesus said that God would provide for us but he never said he'd make us wealthy. If you read Ephesians you'll learn that most of our blessings are spiritual in nature.

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