in HeartChurch3 years ago



Whenever God wants to do something he will not abandon it half way. It is God who initiated the planning and execution of man’s salvation from sin. The word of God says that He is able not only to complete this salvation process, but also to keep us protected and preserved from this sinful world. To achieve this, He has to make sure that those who responded to the gospel would be secured through Christ.

Therefore, there is security in Christ. Jesus made this promise before He went to the cross to secure our salvation in Jn. 10:27-30. Here, the sheep are Christ’s disciples or, those who accepted Him in their lives.

Anyone who is not saved is not included in this promise; except he will accept Christ today to enable him to hear the voice of Christ who has been calling him since through the gospel preachers.


If you can come to Jesus today, He will save you from your sins and hold you in His hands. No one can take us out of His hands because God’s ability to save and keep us is revealed in His promise to Noah which He kept up to this day. Therefore, we must trust Him for our upkeep.

As you have believed in Christ, if you would continue in Him, you will never lose, because God is able to keep and preserve you from failing. However, it is up to the believer to let God do all these.

Are you afraid about your future whether you will make it or not? You don’t need to be afraid, just trust your good Shepherd (Jesus Christ). Your life is hidden in God through Christ therefore nothing will touch you without His permission.

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