in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)



We are really nothing in ourselves and we are not sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as of ourselves, our sufficiency is of God. No matter the weapon you have in your hands against the enemy; it will fail to deliver the expected result without the backing the Lord gives.

It is really never in the size of a weapon; but in the might of God that makes it effective. It is not in how well you’ve mastered the weapon; but, in the might of the almighty God who works in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure. It is really nothing of you; because, there is nothing you can ever do to merit anything from God. Is it self – righteousness? Scriptures overrule that all our righteousness are like filthy rags in the sight of God. We don’t merit anything from God; we live simply by the grace and mercies of God. The shed blood of Jesus is the qualification we have for victory over the antics of the devil.


The bible says in revelation 12:11 that, “they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the blood of their testimony”. The blood of Jesus was not shed in vain, it is the active ingredient in any weapon in your hands targeting the enemies of your advancement. When you pray, it is the blood of Jesus speaking to put you over. The shed blood of Jesus spells out the work Jesus finished so well for our enthronement in victory. “IT IS FINISHED!” – Jesus proclaimed on that old cross. No devil big enough big in hell can alter what has been declared as “finished” by the God of all might. It’s all in the finished work of Christ. It’s all about what Jesus has been made to become unto us.

He is our peace and any force arrayed against your peace shall collide with the rock of your salvation and shall break to pieces. It is never in what you can do so well; but, what Jesus finished so well for us. It is really not about your well doing, but the well of joyful victories, which his saving grace enables us to draw from in our walk with the lord. Like the psalmist proclaimed – “I have set the lord always before me: because he is at my right hand. I shall not be moved” {Psalm 16:18}.

  • What is your setting for victory? It is never by power or by might, but by the spirit of the lord.


A reassuring piece,so blessed

more blessings

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