in HeartChurch3 years ago

IMAGE SOURCE: image.shutterstock.com


After salvation, every child of God needs to be having fellowship with the Lord and other Christians, so that he can grow and be useful to the body of Christ. No Christian can grow in his spiritual life and overcome all the temptations and challenges associated to our Christian faith without regular fellowship with God and other believers in Christ.

The Lord gave it as a command and failure to obey it constitutes a deliberate sin on our part, which attracts God’s punishment. Christ is the basis for this fellowship and it is God who called us into this fellowship.

Remember it is Christ that made peace between us and God. God looks at us through Jesus. He receives us only in Him. He gave us all things through Christ. If we go to God on any other ground apart from Christ, He will not receive us.

IMAGE SOURCE: images.knowing-jesus.com

To enter into fellowship with God, we must understand and believe in the reconciliatory work of Jesus on the cross for us. As we consider all that he suffered for u, it will stir up our hearts r praise and worship God through Jesus. Apostle John said that the basis of our fellowship is Christ.

To please God in this fellowship:

a. We must meet always (Heb. 10:25).

b. We must not walk in darkness (1 Jn. 1:5-7).

c. We must not have fellowship with the world and the works of darkness. Real fellowship will have both parties talking to one another. Therefore, the Lord speaks to us through His Word and we respond back through praises, worship and prayers.

We are expected to share fellowship with one another, visiting and encouraging one another, helping those who are in need. Finally, we are to share the gospel with sinners around us so that they can join us in this fellowship. You cannot please God when you are in a regular relationship with Him and other Christians.

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