in HeartChurch3 years ago

What a hot weather!
Guess what magic a chill bottle of Coke can do to salvage it...
How refreshing we feel after consuming a bottle!

When the temperature is so high,
We rush out to get any chill drink to calm our systems.
We could be so frustrated If we fail to find anything chill to consume at that time.
And when we finally,
The joy and refreshing we get can't be explained.


But when faced with the heat of life,
What do we do?

We cry..
We complain..
We get angry..
We lose hope..
We compromise..
We look for sympathy..
We try to help ourselves..
We see everyone as an enemy..

But we fail to find the right chill drink to refresh our souls.

Guess what the right chill drink is..

No matter the heat of life..
When you consume the chill drink called PRAYER through the process called PRAYING,
The joy and refreshing you get can't be explained..


Take that matter to God today in prayer.
And get your soul refreshed..

I love you..
© Nkanika4christ

The image is my photography taken at work.


Wonderful lines well woven.
At first, I almost lost interest,
thinking you were promoting a brand.
so what other brand would capture my interest
else than prayers?

blessings of Christ and more rhema are the prayers from me

@volab to you.

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