Keep peace of heart under any circumstances.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Dear brothers! it is currently Coronavirus (COVID-19), Venezuela is in Total Social Quarantine. In this situation, it is important to keep Faith and Peace in our hearts.


The Bible says:

"The kingdom of God is not in food and drink, but in justice, in peace and in the joy that the Holy Spirit gives" (Romans 14:17).

Man was created by God for joy and enjoyment. And in Jesus, God restores everything that destroyed sin.

Trusting everything of yourself: both your spirit, and your soul and body to God. By accepting the Savior in his heart, a person can completely rid himself of any temptation that arises against him, captivating all his thoughts in obedience to Christ. By changing thinking, people can change lives. This is not physical effort and work, it is a spiritual fight with meat and lust. In order not to judge yourself, look to Christ for what He has done for you.

Remain in the love of God not to look at yourself and others, but at God, who, for your sake, suffered humiliation and pain to return everything that was deprived of you. Accept God's justice. Know that your sacrifice has made you worthy of your love, mercy, and grace. Put on the clothes of Christ and you will feel how dear you are in the eyes of God.

God's love is unconditional.

You don't have to do anything to be loved. He already loves you with an eternal love that never ceases. Realizing this, your heart will be filled with peace. You don't have to worry about a thing.

After all, "... If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not sympathize with his Son, but gave him for all of us, does not give him everything else? Who will blame God's elect? If God justifies, who can condemn? Jesus Christ, who died but rose again and is now at the right hand of God, intercedes for us "(Romans 8: 31-34).

In the face of these words there is only one thing to say: you must not blame yourself. Jesus answered for everything. And you are in it. Learn to live with this awareness, and peace will fill your heart. The world will be in your house, the world will be around you and the joy of life will come and settle with you forever.

He who does not have the experience of living in the love of God cannot give love to others. Jesus Christ, only He knows the true love of God. And you can share it with others. He is the source. If you are in Him, you have no problem. In Him you enter in peace and calm of all your works.

Jesus showed how a word can act in a person's life, giving it a positive or negative effect. God says that "everything is possible for the believer". If you are having trouble because of yourself, don't despair. Christ brought all the blame for you to the Cross. Get up and move forward, don't look at yourself, but at the glory of Him who gave you life and salvation. Believe that all your problems have already been solved by Jesus. He is the way out of all situations.

Any storm that strikes you, you must know that you are a child of God, belong to His Kingdom and His family. God looks at you as a Son, not a slave. By understanding this, you will have a feeling of love and gratitude towards God. You will want to do something the best you have never done before. You want to make the whole world happy. And the peace of God will fill your whole being.

In difficult times keep peace in your heart thanks to the love of God.

 4 years ago 

With our eyes fixed on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of the faith, even if 10 thousand fall at our right hand, it will not come to us because Jehovah is our shield and our hope we came to earth with a purpose.


He said, 'Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.'(Matthew 3:2)

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