Patience is Golden

in HeartChurch4 years ago

The saying that patient is golden was not said for saying sake because learning to be patient is one of the most difficult arts to master and learn. When i here this saying it always takes my mind back to the process of gold refining, everyone knows gold i very valuable such that people people do unimaginable things to get their hands on it. Recently i started learning about forex trading and i learnt that gold trading is one of the most profitable and yet the most deadliest to venture into because of the way it can move, very high volatility such that i requires people who venture to have some serious money in their accounts to not just loss to its volatility.


The things about valuable things in this world is that they are not cheap, they are very difficult to acquire and once you have it, no one can take it away from you because you would be refined for the good and your life may be just a little better if not so much better. I am not talking about only gold here, am just making a comparison to gold so one may understand why we say patience is golden, because it is indeed like gold.

But the beautiful thing about all this is that practice perfects a man and whatever we purpose in our hearts to achieve we can do it. It is like investing and growing, in the Bible we see lots of instances where many great people were patient enough to wait for God's blessing in their live and then we see people who rushed to find their own way and had things go south. The life of Christianity demands that we learn to be patient in all our dealings and wait on the Lord especially in times when things seem not to go our way, when the Lord seem not to be responding to our prayers or when calamities befall us.


In everything, the Lord is with thee, he will never leave nor forsake thee, if only you will have just a little more faith and exercise a little bit more of patience he will dry your tears and raise you up. It is my hope and prayer that you purpose in your heart from this day to be patient and see the impact it would have in your life. Have Blessed Day.

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