My Soul Be Peace

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Today's Readings
Friday of the fourth week of Easter
Acts 13:26-33
Ps 2:6-11ab
John 14:1-6

In today’s Gospel we again hear very comforting and assuring words from the Lord Jesus. He stressed that we need not be troubled and that we have been prepared a place in His Father’s house. The promise was made sweeter by His volunteering to accompany us. In the end, He reminded them that He is the way, the truth, and the life.

No wonder today's gospel reading is an option for funeral Masses. There is no better assurance than to be allotted a place to stay wherever we will be. Much more in the Father's house. Travellers know this better. Finding a place to spend the night in a place away from home is a priority. In the Gospel, Jesus made sure of that for all of us. After death, there is no other place we want to be. We want to be with the Father. Jesus gives us the good news that it will be done. But it must be availed. We must make a down payment and fully pay the play Jesus reserved for us. In other words, we must be worthy of it. That is the kind of payment The Father would accept. We will be worthy if we follow His commandments, live our faith, express our love for God, have Jesus at the center of our lives and avoid sin. With a place in the Father's house, what can we not do or give? The choice is a no brainer.

Jesus saw that the Apostles were troubled. In the last hours of his life, he spoke to them from his heart and comforted them. Although he was to be separated from them and killed, he promised that afterward they would be reunited in a wonderful place, a place where they would have a very special home prepared for each of them; some translations call them mansions. In spite of what would soon happen, nothing could separate them forever. He would come for them and, together, they would live in this place of joy, happiness, and peace.

The Apostles came from different backgrounds and liked different things. For their heavenly mansions, maybe the fishermen among them would enjoy a property near a lake, with a boat to sail in every day. Matthew, a former tax collector used to finer living, might like a mansion with fine meals and good music. Jesus, without asking, was preparing for each one of them the things they would most appreciate. They would be awed by Jesus’s generosity, and he would delight in surprising them with new gifts and new experiences every day.

Jesus has a mansion prepared for each one of us as well. Sometimes it is worthwhile to imagine what that mansion would be like. Would it be big or small? How many stories? What rooms? How would they be decorated? What kind of food? What kind of music? And where would the doors open? Every day, Jesus and I would pick a door and walk out to enjoy one of those places together, and before long we would have used up the places I know, and then Jesus would start surprising me by choosing places I’ve never been to but that he knows I would like. No matter what we imagine, or what we think our heavenly home might be like, Jesus tells us it will be better. As St. Paul says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor can the mind of man imagine what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Jesus, in spite of the difficulties of this life, I can’t lose sight of the fact that it is all worthwhile. What you have prepared for me is so wonderful that in spite of my trying to imagine every detail, I will never come close to knowing how great it will actually be. When I am discouraged or down, remind me that my sacrifices and suffering are worth it because I want to spend eternity with you in the mansion you have prepared for me in heaven! Jesus, I trust in You.

Lord, today by your grace, I will try to accept sacrifice with a more positive attitude–even joy–encouraged by the thoughts of what you have prepared for me in heaven. The Lord be with you. May the Almighty God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Have a wonderful day and nice celebrations


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