Let's talk about the theological virtues | Love

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

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Theological Virtues

  • Love or charity

  Love is the greatest of virtues (1 Cor 13, 13), it is through this that we love God, who is love itself (1 John 4, 7-8), and our neighbor; inspired by the One who loved us from the beginning of time (Ephesians 1, 4-5). In Christ we receive the grace of God's love and, as a fruit of the Spirit, we share it with others. It is through love that we can be able to fully comply with the law, "because the entire law is summarized in one sentence: You will love your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5, 14). Whoever leads his life along the path of Christ, which is the path of love, will direct his whole being towards good and virtue, since the exercise of these finds its reason for being and sustenance in love. The one he loves is capable of experiencing true happiness, is capable of forgiveness, and is also capable of reaching a deep state of inner peace.

  Christ is the proof that we all need to know to know that God loves us; Out of love, God went so far as to hand over his Only Begotten Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life (Jn 3:16). Christ is the pure and spotless sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19) offered as payment for our sins (Hebrews 9:28). He gave Himself for us, in Him and in this we can know the fullness and perfection of the love that we are called to imitate (1 John 3:16).

  Finally I leave the lofty definition that the Apostle Paul, full of the Holy Spirit, left us about love: "Love is long-suffering, it is kind; love does not envy, love is not boastful, it does not puff up; it does nothing. undue, does not seek his own, does not get irritated, does not hold a grudge, does not enjoy injustice, but enjoys the truth. He suffers everything, believes everything, hopes for everything, supports everything. " (1 Corinthians 13, 4-7)

  May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace to understand, like Paul, that without love we are nothing (1 Corinthians 13: 2). Let us always remember that three are the theological virtues; faith, hope and love, more than all of them the greatest is love (1 Cor 13:13).

Spanish Version

Virtudes Teologales

  • El amor o la caridad

  El amor es la mayor de las virtudes (1 Co 13, 13), es por medio de esta que amamos Dios, que es el amor mismo (1 Juan 4, 7-8), y al prójimo; inspirados por Aquel que nos amó desde el principio de los tiempos (Efesios 1, 4-5). En Cristo recibimos la gracia del amor de Dios y, como fruto del Espíritu, lo compartimos con otros. Es por el amor que podemos ser capaces de dar pleno cumplimiento a la ley, "pues la ley entera se resume en una frase: Amarás al prójimo como a ti mismo." (Galatas 5, 14). Quien conduce su vida por el camino de Cristo, que es el camino del amor, orientará todo su ser hacia el bien y la virtud, pues el ejercicio de estas encuentra su razón de ser y sustento en el amor. El que ama es capaz de experimentar felicidad verdadera, es capaz de perdonar y también es capaz de alcanzar un profundo estado de paz interior.

  Cristo es la prueba que todos necesitamos conocer para saber que Dios nos ama; Por amor, Dios llegó al extremo de entregar a Su Hijo Unigénito para que todo el que en Él crea no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna (Jn 3, 16). Cristo es el sacrificio puro y sin mancha (1 Pedro 1, 19) ofrecido como paga por nuestros pecados (Hebreos 9, 28). Él se entregó por nosotros, en Él y en ello podemos conocer la plenitud y la perfección del amor que estamos llamados a imitar (1 Juan 3, 16).

  Para finalizar dejo la excelsa definición que el apóstol Pablo, lleno del Espíritu Santo, nos dejó acerca del amor: "El amor es sufrido, es benigno; el amor no tiene envidia, el amor no es jactancioso, no se envanece; no hace nada indebido, no busca lo suyo, no se irrita, no guarda rencor; no se goza de la injusticia, mas se goza de la verdad.Todo lo sufre, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta." (1 Corintios 13, 4-7)

  Que el Espíritu Santo nos conceda la gracia de comprender, al igual que Pablo, que sin amor nada somos (1 Corintios 13, 2). Recordemos siempre que tres son la virtudes teologales; fe, esperanza y amor, más de todas ellas la mayor es el amor (1 Co 13, 13).


Peace and Grace!

¡Paz y Gracia!

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