Testifica La Verdad-Testify The Truth

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

La verdad de nuestra salvación está sellada por tres testigos: el agua del bautismo, el espiritu santo y la sangre de Jesus.


El evangelista Juan escribe:

"Este es Jesucristo, que vino mediante agua y sangre; no mediante agua solamente, sino mediante agua y sangre.Y el espiritu es el que da testimonio; porque el espiritu es la verdad.Porque tres son los que dan testimonio en el cielo: el padre, el hijo y el espiritu santo"

Como creyentes, es nuestro deber pasar la voz y decir que Cristo es Dios, y quiere dar vida al que está muerto en pecado, pero debemos de testificar con vigor.

Usted puede tener confianza y seguridad plena a traves del Espiritu Santo de que somos salvo.El bautismo en agua es un acto de obediencia externo que da testimonio externo de lo que Jesus ha hecho.Su sangre kos ha limpiado de todo pecado y el don del espiritu santo da testimonio de esa verdad.

Encontrarse con el espiritu santo lo enfrenta cara a cara con la verdad y la certeza de su salvacion.La garantia de su vida eterna en Cristo es su espiritu santo dentro de usted.
Ponga sus dudas a un lado, las cuales le dan al enemigo terreno desde el cual puede atacarlo con desanimo.Sepa que usted es hijo de un Rey.

The truth of our salvation is sealed by three witnesses: the water of baptism, the holy spirit, and the blood of Jesus.

As believers, it is our duty to spread the word and say that Christ is God, and wants to give life to the one who is dead in sin, but we must testify with vigor.

The Evangelist John writes:

"This is Jesus Christ, who came by water and blood; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the spirit that bears witness; for the spirit is the truth. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the father, the son and the holy spirit "

You can have full confidence and assurance through the Holy Spirit that we are saved. Baptism in water is an external act of obedience that bears external witness to what Jesus has done. His blood has cleansed us from all sin and the gift of God. The holy spirit bears witness to that truth.

Encountering the Holy Spirit brings you face to face with the truth and certainty of your salvation. The guarantee of your eternal life in Christ is your Holy Spirit within you. Put aside your doubts, which give the enemy ground from which you can reluctantly attack. Know that you are the son of a King.

Knowing that Christ is the true God has intellectual value, but experiencing that we are in the true God has vital value.

Biblie: En su presencia!

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