Grace to maintain strong relationship with God.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Yesterday during our morning dew in church, we had a theme for the month; Maintaining a strong relationship with God


In these perilous times, having a good relationship with God is necessary for each and every Christian and believer.

What is relationship?

Relationship is a connection or association with a person ;it is the condition of being related with another.

In the world of today, relationship matters a whole lot, it is powerful, it can build and destroy. It isn't a thing of a do - or - die - affair.

Relationship can mould, and bring out the best in you. It can also scatter, drain and ruin you and what you might have built for yourself.

That is why one needs to be extremely and extra careful with who he or she deals with in life as well as the kind of relationship he or she has.

A good relationship with God opens doors for people. The word of God brings effective relationship.

Job in the bible was a perfect and upright man, he had the fear of God and deviated from evil things. He was a good man and a servant of God who hearkened to all the commandments of God.

Unfortunately, he suffered from a sickness called leprosy for many years. People said many things to him because of his condition. Even his wife asked or should I say suggested that Job deny God and look for solution elsewhere.

In all of that, he didn't deny God. He said his situation doesn't mean God has forgotten about him. His friends suggested different solutions to him, he refused and didn't listen to them. He preferred to die in and with God.

Temptations will always show forth, problems and cares of this life will always be there. You will become a child of God when you're able to resist sin and temptations when you're alone and when you're in public.

Relationship is not yet cordial until you receive the grace to overcome sin and temptations. The word of God is the number one tip to help you.

Job didn't deny God or go astray. He stood till the very end. If he could do it, you too can. This is where the grace of God will help you.

Do not allow sentiments keep you in the wrong relationship. Know want you want and make a choice for yourself.

Receive grace to maintain a good and strong relationship with God. Amen




Very inspirational post @mhizerbee. I definitely agree with you, building a strong relationship and connection with God requires resisting sin and temptations. it never gets easy, honestly, I used to have this orientation that such strong relationship with God cannot truly be achieved, but I guess all one needs is the grace to persist in this effort. I'm glad you shared. Cheers

Grace is all a Christian need🤷
Seriously, to be plain, it's never easy
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