Are you benefitting from that relationship?

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Relationship is a connection or association with a person ;it is the condition of being related with another.

Relationship can also be seen as a connection between families, marriage or adoption. It can also be seen as friendship..

In the world of today, relationship matters a whole lot, it is powerful, it can build and destroy. It isn't a thing of a do - or - die - affair.



Relationship can mould, and bring out the best in you. It can also scatter, drain and ruin you and what you might have built for yourself.

That is why one needs to be extremely and extra careful with who he or she deals with in life as well as the kind of relationship he or she has.

  • Some nuggets on how to benefit from relationships

  • Understand who you are, what you want and where you're going to.

  • Ask yourself "How long do I need this relationship"? Understand and know why you need a particular person in your life. After that, ask yourself if it is meant to be a short time or long time relationship. Having and keeping people in your life that is or can't add value to your life is very harmful and devastating.

  • What lessons have you learnt from the relationship? That relationship of yours you are keeping, is that person affecting and influencing your life positively or negatively. If it does in a positive way, then keep it, if it doesn't, discard such relationship.

Think critically about the present relationship you are in, is it increasing and bringing out the best in you? If not discard it and walk with people who can or will add value to your life.

Do not allow sentiments keep you in the wrong relationship. Know want you want and make a choice for yourself.

Thank you

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