in HeartChurch3 years ago

Hello Steemians,
So many people are not patience enough to wait upon God for His promises or Blessings.


WHAT IS WAITING: "Waiting Is to allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something."


Today I will be sharing something new I learnt front the life of David.


"David[b] is described in the Bible as king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah.[6][7] In the Books of Samuel, David is a young shepherd who gains fame first as a musician and later by killing the giant Goliath, champion of the Philistines. He becomes a favorite of King Saul and a close friend of Saul's son Jonathan. Worried that David is trying to take his throne, Saul turns on David and tries to kill him, leading the latter to go on the run and operate as a fugitive for several years. After Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle against the Philistines, a 30-year old David is anointed king over all Israel and then conquers Jerusalem, establishing the city as his capital, and taking the Ark of the Covenant into the city to be the center of worship in the Israelite religion."

This Man Called David waited, He had been anointed King as a child yet he went back to shepherding his flocks. He didn't go after Saul to overthrow him even though he was chosen of God. He served Saul instead, not with the intent of overthrowing him.

when Goliath mocked the Lord God and his soldiers, David faced him and conquered him.

Yet he didn't tried to be king.

David went ahead to become a soldier in Saul's army after that battle yet he did not try to overthrow Saul, instead he served him.

David became son-in-law to Saul then his enemy due to Saul's jealousy and so became a fugitive yet he didn't try to overthrow Saul.

Saul tried to kill David, yet David spared him. all those years David could have taken over the throne but he didn't. he waited so long for the fulfillment of gods promise which came to be when he was 40years old!

In the story of the kings of Israel we see that men who overtook the throne of their predecessors were worse than them.
Jeroboam had been promised the kingdom yet he led a revolution against Rehoboam.

Baasha killed jeroboams son and all his lineage, Zimri did same to him. etc.

Yet we see that each were terrible leaders. we didn't see any who waited like David.

Saul was practically Lonely yet David gave him respect while saving his own life! it takes a lot to do that.

No wonder God kept looking for a man like David.
And we used to wonder why God loved David so much.

LESSON: If God Has Given You A Promise, Wait For It's Manifestation Because It Will Come To Pass No Matter How Long.

Thank You All For Reading My Post...
God Bless...

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