My Entry to HEART BLOGGERS 2021 1st Edition

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Living in the consciousnesses of the vision of Heartchurch

I’m a member of #HeartChurch which is created to impact the world through promoting individual and community development following the example of equality, equity and goodwill that JESUS ​​left us.


The above statement is the foundation for our vision in pursuit which has registered in my subconscious mind since the day I joined this community of #Heartchurch.

Heartchurch is a people, we’re placed around the world carrying out our mandate physically, virtually, spiritually, economically through the pursuit of our vision and goal. Each individual found @heartchurch reflects these pursuits as laid down by Christ our Chief Cornerstone.

HEART BLOGGERS contest has given each member an equal opportunity to analyze his individual development and responsibility as a part in the body called The Heartchurch. This is a beautiful opportunity for me to also put in compilation my life, development, contributions and future projects that I’ll be working on which are in line with vision of the church.

Faithfulness in Heartchurch

Faithfulness is one of the attributes of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit our comforter. The scriptures is the mirror by which we see ourselves; to know how we look and to make necessary adjustments always until we all are perfected in Christ. Therefore I lay hold on the scriptures that admonished us to be faithful and to do our best in anything that our hands finds to do.

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (KJV)

Therefore I’ve decided to continue pressing towards the mark of our calling and towards the vision of the church; looking for best ways of promoting this beautiful vision and mission of the church. In all these it is still Christ that strengthens me!

I joined Heartchurch community few months after it was found by our legendary @sirknight. We cannot talk about Heartchurch without mentioning him; how he gave all to see that this Church is what it is today, I remember all his sacrifices, how he pampered us, admonishes us and groomed us until we’re rooted deep the ground into our vision and purpose, individually and as a Church. Also to bravest soldier in the Church; the Apostle of #heartchurch @darlenys01

I’m honored to know that I belong to the first virtual church ever on the blockchain which stand for and support family value, freedom and love.

I’m going to touch some of the areas that the grace of God has enabled me to be productive in my individual life, in my family, in my community, and at Heartchurch as it relates to:

• Agriculture
• Farms
• Christianity
• Spirituality
• Blockchain
• Education
• Personal development.

Note: I may not take them serially as outlined above.

Before I start, I’ll love to position our mindset to the purpose of the this writing and explanations. It’s never intended to for personal glory knowing that we all are just vessels in the hands of our creator who has endowed us with many gifts according to his calling and purpose for everyone of us. Therefore we can only work accordingly, and as his grace enables us.

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

Philippians 3:3 (KJV)


Heartchurch becomes my family because we’ve received one Father, one Lord, and one Baptism. I’m a believer in God and in his son Yeshua who died and was raised from death by the Father, that in his name, repentance and forgiveness of sin is preached and obtained.

I accepted Christ as a youth, though born in a Christian home, I fully understood what it means to give one’s life to Christ after I became of age.
I was called by the Lord in the year 2006 to leave my state of origin where I established my small scale aluminum business to another state in the eastern part of Nigeria where I’m serving in a local church in the evangelical ministry till date; both a minister of the word, a singer, and a passionate pianist.



After attending to a technical college, I was obliged to toll the line of my interest which is accounting 🧾 I was training as an accountant. I affiliated to a chartered accounting firm but remains as a consultant to enable me mind the things of Christ as it relates to my ministerial calling. I’ve taught accounting in several polytechnics and also trained many accountants on the of financial softwares such as Sage 50, Quickbooks etc.

At heartchurch on the blockchain, I’ve also helped many individuals and schools to see and to benefit from our vision as a church which understands the role of education in the lives of people especially on our Christian brothers.

I brought Gloriouskids Academy also known as @gloriouskids on Steemit to our church and to other blockchains where we’ve established our virtual Church.



I’ve also been involved is school evangelism which has touched the lives so many students both in lower and higher institutions in the eastern part of Nigeria. Yes I’m proud to be Heartchurch member.

At Heartchurch International Ministry, I’ve served in many angles; I’ve organized and headed a Bible expository contest known as GoldenCenser Challenge for several months under the supervision of our founder @sirknight and our mother and Chief Apostle @darlenys01.

During those periods, I really enjoyed entries from people like :




































I mentioned them as an invitation, perhaps they may be notified about this mention and from there, they can also participate in this Heart Bloggers contest.


I’ve worked in our church at Telos as Heartchurch Stalwart and as a moderator at Steem blockchain etc. which involves helping new parishioners overcome challenges facing newbies on the blockchain and in our church activities.

I’ve helped many Nigerians to see the light of the gospel of Christ, bringing hope to families and freedom to many homes. Yes, I belong to #Heartchurch International Ministry, and such is how we shines as light anywhere we’re found.

I’m a pioneer for several years; a YouTube gospel channel that has blessed so many lives around the globe through the undiluted gospel of the kingdom of our God and his Christ which you can also benefit from by using the link below.



Personal Development

Like Apostle Paul would say, “if anyone wouldn’t work, let him not eat”. The situations around me since birth has shaped me into a self determined individual since childhood, I’ve engaged myself over the years going through many tutorship and many entrepreneurship which God has used greatly in echoing the gospel, as well as in putting food on the table for my family, my poor neighbors and those that are with my in the field of the Lord.

I’m willing to assist any parishioner who may have interest in some developments that I’ve acquired through these times of my earthly ministry and sojourning.

I developed myself in becoming a pianist without going to any music school. That’s one of the things that I’m talking about. One can actually endow him or herself with knowledge and skills that can help him navigate life, financial challenges and crises.


I’ve also developed a skill during my entrepreneurial courses on how to build and install aluminum roofs, doors and windows which the picture above is one of my finished jobs.

I’ve developed myself on working with many computer applications which also include a general ICT knowledge, networking and computer assembling. Under sounds and studio works, I’ve also devolved myself in understanding audio and video editing, graphics design etc which has helped my ministerial office in managing audio messages manuscripts, transcripts etc.


As a heartchurch member, God has set I and my family as light and succor to many people around us who depend on our farming capacity for their income and and food. The economic crisis in my country and around the world instead of overwhelming me has turned and worked for my own good by opening me up for farming and agriculture.




I’ve involved myself on local farming in my community which is constantly growing in capacity. Being industrious is a virtuous character to be seen in every saint. Like Apostle Paul testified in the book of Acts 20:33-34 (KJV)

I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.

I’ve been in the ministry of giving and looking after the poor around me by sharing my farm produce with them. I do this knowing that it’s God that gives and increases.


Above are portions of corn that I distributed to my neighbors during my last season corn harvest. I want to my children to see, and learn this way of selfless lifestyles which was handed to us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I’m currently undertaking an irrigation system that will save my community; widows and children, old men and women, livestock and vegetation from severe lack of water which has been stone bags on our necks for many years now.

I’ve been posting the updates here and also glad that Heartchurch has been of great help to the project through their constant support from many ways




I’ve spent above $6,000 on this particular project, I’m happy and grateful to God who always provide for all his creations and now using me as a tool in his holy hands.
I have so many things to talk about but time may not permit all here.

I really appreciate #Heartchurch and the management for giving us this opportunity to reflect on the grace of God on all of us which gears towards our goal and vision as a church.


I’ve longed to be a helping hand to my brothers and sisters on this blockchain by not positioning myself to remain a receiver alone. I’ve been saving some of my earnings from my farm crop sales; converting those fiats into #Steem and powering them up on the blockchain.

Within few weeks now, I’ve vested over 2000 Steem power to be able to support parishioners who writes in our church page.


This voting power is more like exclusive to blogs being posted to @heartchurch community.


This is Heart Bloggers 2021 Contest 1st Edition

Welcome to our Church; Heartchurch International Ministry

Created to impact the world, promoting individual and community development following the example of equality, equity and goodwill that JESUS ​​left us.
Account Oficial @steemchurch
Create Date December 2017
Number of followers 1700
Administrator @darlenys01
Projects in development.
Places of interest
Token Heart


God bless you for reading through.


Bro Max this is awesome. Man of many parts. Deligient in his calling. You are unstoppable. I as declare this, I see it happen. Blessed be God in the highest.

 3 years ago 

To the glory of our Father! Thanks greatly for reading through and for supporting Max. I really appreciate you. Having you on this blockchain and at Heartchurch is blessing to me as I feel brotherly closeness.

 3 years ago 

Amazing, the lord is your strength brother..

 3 years ago 

The Lord is my strength and my shield 🛡

Thanks for coming around beloved.

thank you very much for the post ,have a great day

 3 years ago 

Welcome 🙏🏽
Thanks for reading, resteeming and commenting.

You’re awesome 😎

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