in HeartChurch3 years ago

JOSHUA 24:15 “And if it seems wrong to you to serve Jehovah, choose today whom you serve, the gods whom your fathers served when they were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but I and my house will serve Jehovah."


Blessings from on high beloved brothers, we are called to serve GOD because we were rescued from the world that is under the domination and siege of the enemy who once served our beloved heavenly father became insubordinate and revealed together with other angel servers wanting to be better than unique, true and incomparable King of Kings and Lord of Lords as is our creator. Today part of humanity lives serving false and pagan gods made of wood, bronze, metal and plaster that do not walk, do not see and have to carry them because they do nothing but the enemy makes them believe that they have power and that is why they live confused under his dominion.


Brothers, we must not lower our guard or loosen our faith to serve the owner and creator of our lives, the word of GOD teaches us that when we are born again in CHRIST our lives experience a deep desire to serve GOD because we are giving him place or place the Holy Spirit in our hearts, just as our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST in his earthly ministry served and taught his disciples and arriving in NAZARETH he entered the synagogue and preached the word of GOD because the holy spirit was upon him and he was anointed to give good He was able to give freedom to the captives and sight to the blind with the help of the holy spirit and the supernatural this could only be done in a service for his father. We are prepared by GOD with the holy spirit to better serve him and bring the good news of salvation to everyone who needs it and thus be able to save souls that still live in darkness AMEN.

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