in HeartChurch3 years ago

PROVERBS; Chapter-16 Verses: 18 and 19.
18. Pride is before destruction, and haughtiness of spirit before falling,
19. It is better to humble the spirit with the humble than to divide the spoil with the proud.


GOD bless you dear brothers, we human beings become so arrogant that we forget that this attitude does not please GOD, therefore whoever acts in this way is doing it against Him. But if we know his word and We consider ourselves his children but without realizing it we are falling into an attitude of ignorance thinking that GOD is going to allow us certain deviations but it is not like that. We have to do things as GOD truly likes without being boastful and recognizing that without him we are nobody, because just as GOD gives also takes away and if he accepts us it is to be good people, because he took away others to choose you. You, me or us, bone the avert to Satan that the Lord rebukes him, for being so arrogant, haughty, arrogant and haughty because he wanted to be better than our Creator Father.

But GOD gave him to understand that it was not like that because no one can be compared with the Great One, the Unique and Wonderful, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Admirable Counselor, Prince of Peace. He accepted us to be productive, although it is true that GOD condemns the unbelief and the blasphemy of his majesty, which in turn is a mortal sin, therefore disbelief and arrogance has as its payment the condemnation because it contaminates the soul and spirit. Arrogance is included in the same list as slander, robbery and murder, which shows how serious God gives it, the Lord hates the arrogant and says that they will not go unpunished Proverbs 16:5.


My dear brothers, if GOD has already rescued us and made us his children, we cannot let him tear us out of his kingdom as happened to that precious angel who was thrown into the abyss. GOD says in his word not to be arrogant about ourselves and to be careful with arrogance because it leads to condemnation. GOD BLESS YOU POWERFULLY.


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