Our Deficiencies

in HeartChurch3 years ago


When we speak of deficiencies, what almost always comes to mind are imperfections rather than physical ones, but it also refers to the imperfections that someone may have regarding the lack of something.

Being deficient means that something is missing in us, but it does not mean that we are useless. Every condition in our lives can change if we take it to the spiritual realm because God can transform everything, we cannot be satisfied with accepting that we have certain deficiencies, because the bible clearly urges us to be strong and courageous, it says that God strengthens the weary and multiplies the strength of those who have none. Therefore it is necessary that in spite of recognizing that we lack something, we do not stay there, but that we can advance in spite of this situation.

It is no secret that the world is full of needs, and that we all have some area in which we have experienced pain, perhaps with physical limitations, illness, poverty, or lack of love, sometimes it seems that no one can sympathize with this, or that God has forgotten. But it is not so, the deficiencies will only make God's power to be demonstrated in us, to be made visible, so that others can see his glory for what he has done with us.

God does not show you your shortcomings to bring you down or to shame you, He wants you to know them so that you repent and get tired of them, so that in your heart the desire to change them, to get out of there and experience a real change so that you can have a life free of guilt.

There are many examples in the bible of men who seemed to have no chance according to human reason, but God in his infinite love and absolute mercy, took them into account and lifted them up and did incredible things with them.

Never think that it is too late for you, or that because of what you don't have God cannot use you, the only thing God needs to take you to a wonderful destiny, is that you dispose your heart, that you surrender it to Him and that you can absorb all that He wants to teach you.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful words. God reveals our imperfections/deficiencies through his word; he does that to make us better!

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