La falsa humildad/False Humility

in HeartChurch3 years ago



Las personas viven profesando falsas humildades, digo falsas humildades, porque realmente no lo son, muchos se creen que por tener menos o ser pobres son humildes, pero no es así, la humildad se demuestra en tu forma de actuar y no con tu cuenta de banco.

La falsa humildad no es otra cosa que fingir ser humildes, vida que nos aleja completamente de Dios, y de su plan para nosotros. Las personas realmente humildes actúan de forma distinta, valoran lo que tienen, agradecen cualquier gesto que tengas para con ellos, así las cosas no te hayan salido bien, saben comprenderlo, no presentan interés en ser el centro de atención, nunca se creerán mejor que nadie, siempre estarán dispuestos a ayudar, una persona humilde es fácil de identificar, solo déjales hablar y conocerás lo que hay en cada corazón.

Es muy poco probable que una persona humilde lo reconozca, más bien reconoce que no es perfecto y que siempre tiene mucho que aprender de los demás, una persona humilde no se arrastra o cree menos, sino que está agradecida plenamente por lo que es y lo que tiene y esto le ayuda a sentirse en armonía y procurar la paz con todos.

Si la humildad pudiera reconocerse a simple vista de seguro nos daríamos cuentas que son muy pocas las personas con esta virtud, aunque la gran mayoría se define así. Una de las principales características que se nota en personas humildes es que no se ofenden por cualquier pequeñez, siempre están dispuesta a trabajar aunque eso implique que el trabajo sea duro o que nunca lo hayan hecho, no están interesados en mostrar a los demás todo lo que hacen, con que lo sepa Dios y ellos es suficiente.

Cuando miro personas que tienen grandes cosas y no presumen de ello, les admiro, pues es aquí cuando se ve la sencillez de una persona, sin embargo hay personas que se creen humildes por ser pobres pero su soberbia las delata. Porque, porque la humildad es una virtud que viene de tu corazón.

Jesús nos dijo : aprended de mi, que soy manso y humilde de corazón.

Entonces debemos aprender que está cualidad proviene del corazón de Dios, y debe nacer también en nuestro corazón, no tiene nada que ver con vienes materiales, al contrario cuando tenemos dinero o poder que nos genere carta abierta para hacer lo que queramos sin restricción, es allí donde demostraremos que llevamos en nuestro corazón.

Amiga, amigo, no te dejes engañar por esas personas que proclaman constantemente su falsa humildad, esto es solo una fachada, porque sus corazones están invadidos de orgullo y altivez.


People live professing false humility, I say false humility, because they really are not, many believe that by having less or being poor they are humble, but it is not so, humility is demonstrated in the way you act and not with your bank account.

False humility is nothing more than pretending to be humble, a life that completely distances us from God and His plan for us. Truly humble people act differently, they value what they have, they appreciate any gesture you have for them, even if things have not gone well, they know how to understand, they are not interested in being the center of attention, they will never think they are better than anyone else, they will always be willing to help, a humble person is easy to identify, just let them speak and you will know what is in each heart.

A humble person is very unlikely to recognize it, rather they recognize that they are not perfect and always have much to learn from others, a humble person does not grovel or believe they are less, they are fully grateful for who they are and what they have and this helps them feel in harmony and seek peace with everyone.

If humility could be recognized at a glance we would surely realize that there are very few people with this virtue, although the vast majority define themselves as such. One of the main characteristics that can be seen in humble people is that they are not offended by any little thing, they are always willing to work even if it means that the work is hard or that they have never done it before, they are not interested in showing others everything they do, as long as God and they know it is enough.

When I look at people who have great things and do not boast about it, I admire them, because this is when you see the simplicity of a person, however there are people who think they are humble because they are poor but their pride gives them away. Because, because humility is a virtue that comes from your heart.

Jesus told us: learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.

Then we must learn that this quality comes from the heart of God, and must also be born in our heart, it has nothing to do with material goods, on the contrary when we have money or power that generates us open letter to do what we want without restriction, it is there where we will demonstrate that we carry in our heart.

Friend, friend, do not be fooled by those people who constantly proclaim their false humility, this is only a facade, because their hearts are invaded by pride and haughtiness.


We all need to learn to be more humble.

I can attest to this!! Humility indeed has nothing to do with your financial status. Someone said money is just an amplifier of true Character. So if a poor man with a wicked heart is given money his wickedness will be come more pronounced. As well as if he is kind the money will pronounce the kindness.
Humility is an aspect that is built from the heart and not by looks.

This post is so amazing!! Just so edifying
and educative please permit me resteem!🙏

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