You have the idea and Daily Telos the technology

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Today I decided to keep my work and all the things I have to do on the same page with an efficient timeline, where I know what to do each day, I just write it down. I write day after day what I have or should do.


I wanted my timeline to look fun and up-front and to be used day after day, and I did that with Daily Telos

Elegant and professional? This is how I describe this new app.

  Timeline with your brand in a single click, with the best monthly view


Now I can chart projects and also keep track of progress with Daily Telos my timeline.

Sometimes I am working collaboratively on a project or looking for a personal challenge. in any of these ways, it's great to use it.

A timeline infographic will help you plan, communicate, and track your project deadlines. With all this, my time remains perfectly aligned with all those that I must carry out.

I always thought that my life did not go according to the plan I decided to do, but there was a mess to align my work times and other things. That is why with Daily Telos, my projects, and everything I have to do I can write down daily.

Carrying a Daily Telos helps me keep my work on the right track!

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