Against nature

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Romans 1:26 “for this God I give you up to shameful passions; Well, even his women changed the natural use for him, it is against nature ”.

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Many people reject the truth because it interferes with their lifestyle. These people participate in all variety of sins trying to satisfy their needs but in reality what they do is move more and more away from the possibility of filling that emptiness that they carry inside. Something that only God can do for them. The result is that their emptiness, their dissatisfaction and their hopelessness are further deepened.

Nowadays we can see how many live as they did in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah, where homosexuality was in fashion, men openly married men and women with women and also lived proud of being it and published it.
All this began when the children of God exchanged the truth for the lie, honoring and worshiping the creatures before the creator.

Men perverted sexual relations with their women by changing the natural use established by God but the one that is "against natural".
By leaving the natural use of women, the next step for men was the practice of homosexuality; giving rise to lust with each other.

Romans 1:27, says that those who stray will receive due retribution, establishing that sooner or later these transgressions take over their lives and destroy them.
But there is good news, God is so good that He even blesses those who reject Him to lead them to repentance. Because the Lord by nature loves people even when they don't belong.

The goodness of God leads sinners to repentance, they will never do it on their own merits.

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