💕El amor de Dios se mostró en su hijo. /The love of God was shown in his son.💕

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Jesús el Hijo de Dios sí permanece inmutable en el tiempo y tampoco su dialogar y su forma de actuar cambian con el paso de los siglos, solo los que no permanece en Él para siempre es su rabia ante una humanidad pecadora ya que esta es reemplazada por su infinita misericordia.




1 Juan 4:9
En esto se mostró el amor de Dios para con nosotros, en que Dios envió a su Hijo unigénito al mundo, para que vivamos por él.

Reina-Valera 1960

El mundo entero ha sido condenado a muerte a causa del pecado; y toda persona estaba muerto en sus delitos y pecados; y Jesús vino a fallecer en vez del mundo, y a ofrecer vida a todo creyente, para que todos tengan la posibilidad de vivir para ese que falleció y resucitó por nosotros.

No obstante a pesar de que permanezca su misericordia, debemos recordar que la salvación sigue dependiendo de nosotros, de si queremos o no llegar arrepentidos a los pies de Cristo y de recibirle como nuestro señor y salvador, pues es imposible que Dios nos tenga por inocentes si previamente no somos lavados con la sangre de Jesucristo

Pensar en Dios y el amor que Jesús demostró en Su ministerio era el mismo amor que Dios el Padre tiene por nosotros mismos. Tenemos la posibilidad de recibir poder sanador en el amor de nuestro Dios.

💕The love of God was shown in his son.💕

Jesus the Son of God does remain immutable in time and his dialogue and his way of acting do not change over the centuries, only those who do not remain in Him forever is his rage before a sinful humanity since this it is replaced by his infinite mercy.




1 John 4:9

In this the love of God was shown toward us, in that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Reina-Valera 1960

The whole world has been sentenced to death because of sin; and every person was dead in trespasses and sins of him; and Jesus came to die instead of the world, and to offer life to every believer, so that everyone has the chance to live for the one who died and rose for us.

However, despite the fact that his mercy remains, we must remember that salvation still depends on us, on whether or not we want to arrive repentant at the feet of Christ and receive him as our lord and savior, since it is impossible for God to be considered innocent if we are not previously washed with the blood of Jesus Christ

Think of God and the love that Jesus showed in his ministry was the same love that God the Father has for ourselves. We have the possibility of receiving healing power in the love of our God.

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