in HeartChurch4 years ago

Hello friends.I trust you're doing well today.I feel led to share my thoughts with you.


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Self condemnation and guilt are two of the major things believers struggle with today and this is against God's will for us.

According to dictionary the word condemnation means;

  • Sentence of punishment, judgment, sentence, penalty.
  • Utter disapproval, proscription, banning.
  • Blame, censure, reproof, disapproval, disapprobation.

Many at times when we fall or miss it,we just get this notion that God is very angry with us and that He is not ready to hear us nor ready forgive.
Some even go to the extreme of thinking that what he or she has done cannot be forgiven because it looks so big and uncommon among men.

Hear this... there's no new sin under heaven and there's no sin that cannot be forgiven.
Take a look at this scripture.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool - Isa 1:18

Don't be hard on yourself,infact God has seen your struggles to break out of those sinful act and He is more than ready to help you today.

Let me give you a simple explanation of what happens when you get caught up or entangled in sin. The devil come to condemn you,he blames,dissaproves, pronounces judgement on you,spell out the punishment and consequences for your action, make you very depressed and finally introduce GUILT

While the Holy Spirit convicts you by condemning the sinful act and not YOU. This same thing was what Jesus did while He walked the face of the earth.

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit -Rom 8:1

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved - John 3:17

The woman that was caught in the very act of adultery was freed by Jesus,although she was suppose to face the full wrath of what he law states but God proved there and then to everyone that He has not come to condemn us to death but to restore us and lavish upon us His love.

In other word,He comes to you and say "hey son,what you did is wrong and not God-like,you can make amends,just allow me help you and don't forget that my love is always here for you".

What the Holy Spirit does is contrary to what he devil does.
The devil keeps on bringing the picture of your sins again and again telling you your sins are not forgivable even after you've confessed them.
He knows if can keep you in that state of guilt,it won't be long before you wallow in self pity and then feel comfortable in that sin on the long run because you now have the assumption that your sins are unpardonable.

You don't need to hear a loud voice saying to you "son your sins are forgiven" before you know you're forgiven. The same faith that gave you assurance of salvation even without hearing or seeing a tangible evidence at the point of salvation is the same faith that gives the assurance that your sins are forgiven the very instance you confessed them. All you need to do is to ensure that you sin no more henceforth.

So everything the devil tells you after that genuine confession are just lies and you need to debunk it.

Let go of the struggle today,bring that burden,loads weight and drop it at his feet,He cares and he is more than ready to help you.

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