A Faithful Servant

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

“I will put my eyes on the faithful of the earth, so that they may be with me; Whoever walks in the path of perfection, this one will serve me.


" [Psalm 101: 6] God has called us all with a purpose and there is no greater gratitude than being faithful to that purpose, God wants us to fulfill his will. We must be faithful and prudent in our conduct, and if we are faithful in a little, He will put us over much.

1 Corinthians 4 1 Therefore let us men be servants of Christ, and administrators of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required of the administrators, that each one be found faithful.

Although Jesus said that he would no longer call us servants but friends, in a certain way all of us out of love and conviction are servants, helping them of God on earth.

A servant is an administrator of what God has given him. We must meditate on our behavior, we cannot walk according to our criteria or handle what God gives us without being guided by his Holy Spirit, we must not mistreat what He gives us, a person who follows God must be very careful with this, because God demands to avoid all acts of this kind.

So knowing God we must be aware of his will, prepare and act according to it, pray and watch, always seeking God, giving him glory for everything, without acting arrogantly, so that our defects diminish more every day, we have a heart transformed and take us as your tool.

But we have to be faithful with the part that corresponds to us, the surrender, the FAITH with which we must approach God, without FAITH it is impossible for us to please him, unless we receive anything from God, we must be faithful in recognizing him in our ways, it is Just Foundation our Faith in the one who gives life and gives it in abundance, and let us trust God that he will do the fighting for us, his Holy Spirit is within us, for by the spirit to put to death the works of the flesh.

It is so important to understand the fidelity of God, and what it means to be faithful servants in God, not to doubt the work of God in us is to have won a large part of the battle, God is Powerful to restore, to liberate, to change, to heal.

May our life be transformed by him, so that in his love he corrects us, straightens our walk, may the Carpenter of heaven make us utensils of the house of God, useful for his work, preferring to be a wooden spoon that serves food , to be a silver spoon that is only for decoration, faithful servants for Christ, so that through the love that is in us the world knows that God is with us, not because of our achievements or power or wealth, we go to the carpenter's workshop from heaven, so that he can change us, straighten what is crooked with his hammer, file our weaknesses, glue our breaks, heal our wounds, and being the work of his hands, let us keep his word and act according to his will.

Let us be found faithful, let us show the love of God, that other people can see Jesus reflected in our lives, and let it be noticed that the Holy Spirit of God is our guide.


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