We should be careful with our choices and decisions

Good morning lovely family of the Lord Almighty. I come into your home, offices or workplaces with this message after a long absence due to situations beyond my control. Forgive me everyone. It feels refreshing to be back. Thank you @darlenys01 and all #heartchurchfamily for keeping the kingdom message all these while.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision (Joel 3: 1 4)


When I was in the University, I had a Lecturer, who was very controversial, because he dropped bombshells during his lectures. But over the years I have learned more from his bombshells than his Agro-Climatology lectures! I want to share one of his bombshells with you as it explains best our devotion theme today.

When Ghana gained independence from the British, the dream of the first President was to develop and modernize Ghana and he began with Accra the Capital. He wanted Accra to be parallel with any modern capital city in the world. So he sought for help and Israel came to Ghana's aid. The government of Ghana wanted a centralized sewage system for Ghana's capital, so that every home has toilet and bath facilities.
So construction engineers, workers, experts, machinery and equipments were poured in from Israel. Every where in Accra, gutters, manholes, tunnels and sewage systems were constructed.
Then Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1967. And this war put nations into divided camps. And in 1968 came the Olympics Game in Moscow and Israel was participating in it. But the Arab League with their new found Oil money lobbyed nations to boycott the games because of Israel and nations who would do that were promised huge sums of money. And Ghana government fell for it. And that angered Israel's people and government. So Israel government pulled his people out of Ghana's.
Yes, the Arab's money came, and Ghana government used part of the money to hire people to close all the gutters, manholes and tunnels and the sewage systems Israeli people have done. And the rest of the money, nobody knew what they did with it, says my Professor.
Fast forward to today, as a result of that infamous decision and choice by Ghana government, millions in Accra don't have basic toilet facilities in their homes, people shit on beaches, bushes and gutters. People living in Accra struggle for where to shit.
That decision and choice in history has affected multitudes of Accra residents down the time line. Many of our youth and people scout the open deserts and seas to look for just a decent place in other countries to shit.
And yet Arab cities such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Muscat, Doha, etc continue to flourish and grow flamboyantly.
What saddens me is that it wasn't Ghana or Israel which was hosting the Olympics games. Yet we made a decision that has affected generations of people and put them in a shit-hole life! That is the power of decision and choices.


All of us ushered in this new year with jubilation, prayers and dancing. But the year is not going to be just these, but decisions and choices that have impact and effects down the time lane. What worries me, is that most of us are going to make decisions and choices that would destroy our spouse, our marriage and children, some of us would make decisions and choices that would break churches and society, some of our decisions would destroy people's relationships with God, while others would land people in eternal damnation.
I beseech you by the mercies of God, that you make decisions and choices that would improve, impact and affect you, your family, people, church, society and nation positively.
The Bible says, masses of people are in the valley of decision. Which means we are all going to make decisions and choices one way or the other. We can't dodge them. Some decisions are simple and easy, while others are difficult, yet we must make them. But know this, your decisions and choices count, so this year ask for grace, wisdom and knowledge to make your decisions and choices count in a positive and godly way.
Don't put people and the purpose of God in the generation to come in a jeopardy, as Ghana first president did.
Don't sacrifice purpose, vision, growth and eternal things for material things and pleasure and regret in the future.
And may our Good Lord help all of us to make sound decisions and choices in Jesus name. Amen
All images from https://www.pinterest.com
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes



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