The Holy Spirit will change you as His presence remains with you

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The Holy Spirit is the most wonderful person who can change and transform us as his powerful presence remains upon us. In Ephesus the apostle Paul found "certain disciples" and said to them: Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
They replied: "We have not even heard if there is a Holy Spirit."

We find that Paul taught them about the Holy Spirit and then laid his hands on it, and "the Holy Spirit came upon them."

Later, in that same chapter, we see that “God performed extraordinary miracles by the hand of Paul, in such a way that the cloths or aprons from his body were even taken to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits left ”(Acts 19: 11-12). God's presence was so strong in Paul that the anointing could be transferred by putting on the hands and through handkerchiefs. The sick were healed and the evil spirits were cast out because the anointing of the Holy Spirit remained in a special way on Paul.

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Paul faced great opposition in Ephesus, both from Jews and followers of pagan religions (Acts 19: 23-41).

Never forget that the greater the opposition, the greater the power. In this difficult and dangerous city "God performed extraordinary miracles." Today the Holy Spirit wants to do the same, only if we are willing to pay the price, which is to yield completely to Him.

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Excelente, el poder de Dios opera de una forma muy creativa, con la sombra de pedro se sanaban los enfermos y vemos a Jesucristo haciendo milagros de diferentes maneras pero todos tienen algo en común, La presencia del Espíritu Santo obrando con poder.

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