My reflection: The marriage that pleases God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

As a woman I am clear that my union with my husband must determine what God calls "One flesh." The marriage that pleases God must represent a team, that is, the woman and the man must be “a solid and firm team”.

The word of God establishes that when a man joins his wife, the two become one flesh. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This teaches us that the man and the woman when they get married must play for the marriage team, where the rules established for the team are love, fidelity, communication, respect, solidarity and other important aspects that come to mind. strengthen the marital relationship.

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A marriage that pleases God is founded on respect, in which the married woman honors her husband and submits to Him as the Lord's church submits to Christ. "Wives are subject to their own husbands, as to the Lord."

In a marriage where the woman respects her husband and shows him fidelity and a lot of trust, she will allow the man in the same way, to respect his wife and be faithful to him in everything.
Love is decisive in the marriage team. The man must love his wife and support her in everything that benefits the marriage relationship. A man must love his wife and regard her as a fragile vessel. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for her."

It is interesting how the apostle Paul uses Christ's love for the church so that the man loves his wife in the same way. This relationship of Christ to the church is the same relationship of man to his wife.

God's order for the marriage that pleases him is based on the Lord's own relationship with the church. The Lord insists that the man must love his wife and the woman respect her husband. “For the rest, each one of you also love his wife as himself; and the woman respects her husband ”.

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