Life is more than an adventure, enjoy it

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings friends and brothers from the HeartChurch community. Today I share with you a related message about the great need to enjoy the new life that we have in Christ Jesus. Life is not a simple adventure but a great opportunity that we have to enjoy it to the fullest as recommended by God in his word.

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; but I have come so that they may have life, and that they may have it in abundance.
John 10:10 - Bible Gateway

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Jesus said that he had come for us to have joy and abundance. We know that under the law of sin there is torment, pain, suffering, and anguish. By being cleansed with the blood of Jesus, we pass into a new life, in which true love and the ineffable joy of the Holy Spirit are experienced.

God wants us to experience true freedom from sin in his Son Jesus Christ and to abandon the life of suffering resulting from our disobedience. Jesus offers a life of peace, holiness, justice, happiness. This life is only received with the confession of our sins before God.

To enjoy life is to be free from the bondage of negative thoughts and negative emotions such as unforgiveness, hatred, anger and bitterness.
Jesus came to break with everything that robs us of joy and give us full spiritual freedom in which happiness covers our whole being and face.

In Christ there is only abundant life that guarantees us salvation, holiness and the right to one day stand before the heavenly Father.

Enjoy life in Christ and you will find rest for your soul.

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