Mother's Day

in HeartChurch3 years ago

First of all I want to congratulate all mothers on their day, all those women who put all their unconditional love in their children, who care even with their own lives, educate and guide their children through good ways, grace and peace of God our father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today I have seen up close a sample of that love, I have also analyzed about mothers in writing and I want to use today's article to share with you those experiences.

fancycrave1 - Pixabay

My oldest daughter sleeps with her grandmother to keep her company but around 3 a.m. each day she comes back to the room where my wife and I sleep to finish spending the night there.

Around 3 a.m. when she knocked on the door I went to open it, when I picked her up to put her to bed she had a high fever, I told my wife happy day but we immediately proceeded to check on our daughter.

As a preventive measure we gave her fever remedy (to prevent her from convulsing) and put her to bed, she asked us to remove her diaper and we thought she had made some need but when we removed it everything was fine.

We belatedly understood that it was not because of what I had done but because of what I wanted to do, vomiting and diarrhea manifested themselves simultaneously to fill the bed with everything I do not want to describe.

Then my wife and I realized that the day had definitely begun, I looked at her with a smile and repeated "Happy Mother's Day".

smpratt90 - Pixabay
I was very sleepy but I went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and took the opportunity to go to the market to buy something soft for my daughter to eat for breakfast, as well as a juice to hydrate her!

I could see in that dawn how that mother's love was evident, that delicate tenderness that takes care of you and suffers your pain even more than yourself. There my wife was suffering with my daughter (I was suffering too of course) but I saw how great God is to put so much love in our mothers.

My wife and my mother-in-law could not go to the service because they were taking care of my daughters, I went to fulfill my responsibility as a musician and to share with the brothers.

When it was time for the preaching the minister spoke of those women of faith who are praised in the Bible and among them he mentioned Sarah, I immediately thought that Abraham had obtained much credit in comparison to this elderly mother.

But then I realized that they always do the most important work and almost never get credit for it, yet they keep doing the important work without complaining, putting a lot of love into it because they don't do it to be praised, they do it from the heart and their greatest satisfaction is to see their children grow up healthy and strong.

It is the woman who spends 9 months with the children in her womb, she also puts her own life at risk to bring them into the world and once they are already in the world she stops thinking about her own life to think now about the welfare of her children, all this she does not do it for a payment or praise, she does it willingly and with love.

But I know that God multiplies those praises that they do not receive from humans for them because God who is just looks at all this work and I know that in his justice he gives to each one his reward.

Today again I want to congratulate all those hardworking mothers who fight every day for their children. Happy Mother's Day!

Grateful to God for allowing me to be part of HEARTCHURCH, a community with a divine purpose, for having allowed me to get to steemit and for all those great friends that I have met on this platform.

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