Don't get tired of doing good!

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Doing good is something that few practice in a sincere and disinterested way, some do it so that others observe them and gain the favor of those, but the sincere practice is more noticeable when the one who does good will not receive any reward or at least does not expect to receive it because in practice doing good will always be rewarded.

Everyone inside wants to do good but few dare to take the step, when a person does it experiences a sense of well being for having helped another person, that feeling is the motivation to repeat the act and little by little that person creates a habit of helping others. But with the passing of time and some bad experiences it could happen that the benefactor gets discouraged and abandons the practice, if you are someone like that today I want to write to encourage you to go ahead!


It is assumed that there should be no problems when you do not expect to receive anything in return but the attitude of people can make a difference, when you find people who do not value what you do, the less appreciate and even do not thank is a factor that is hitting the benefactor and can begin to produce mental fatigue and discouragement. "If I'm not gaining anything, I won't lose anything by giving up the practice," some people think.

Another important factor is the unpleasant opinion of those whom you cannot help. When a person begins to practice good everyone wants to be benefited, someone is doing charity, donations or similar things will be many who will come with desires to obtain the benefit, however the capabilities of a benefactor are not unlimited and inevitably there will be people without receiving the benefit.

These people who have not received the benefit begin to create an unpleasant environment with their negative criticisms and all these criticisms can reach the ears of the benefactor producing mental fatigue and discouragement to continue practicing good. These are things that in most cases tend to happen but there is a word of encouragement in the holy scriptures.

Galatians 6:9

Therefore let us not grow weary in doing good; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The first sentence is "let us not grow weary", it is a word of encouragement that acknowledges the possibility of benefactors growing weary, and the argument is that there will be a harvest of that which we have been sowing, even if the beneficiaries do not repay you anything your works do not go unnoticed by God who has said " To the LORD lendeth he that giveth to the poor, And the good that he hath done, he will repay him again." (Proverbs 19:17).

But following the argument there is a condition, "If we do not faint", according to this text the one who faints will not reap anything, if you sow any plant and abandon it before it produces its fruit it will probably die and you will never reap anything, you will have lost your work then.

People will always have something to say about you no matter what you do, but God has established that he will reward those who with love practice doing good because this is just before God who has given the greatest example of goodness to us when we were less than nothing, by forgiving our debts sacrificing his own Son on the Cross and resurrecting him on the third day to make us children and heirs of his riches.

Sow with patience and love, do not tire of doing good but persevere in it even when circumstances want to make you give up, remember that your work is not in vain as long as you persevere in it until the time of harvest when you will receive with joy the reward that God has reserved for you in heaven, our heavenly inheritance. But not only until then but in the meantime you will not lack any good here on earth because God will supply all that is lacking for you and your children.

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Grateful to God for allowing me to be part of HEARTCHURCH, a community with a divine purpose, for having allowed me to get to steemit and for all those great friends that I have met on this platform.

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The good that we do will find it's way back to us. It is more blessed to give than to receive..

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