The richness of the word of God (Knowing the scripture)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The richness of the word of God (Knowing the scripture).

Dear brothers and friends, have a good night all of you, after having carried out some activities on this day, I return to share with you a topic that, according to my appreciation, will be edifying for everyone who invests time in reading it.

Shalom God is peace.

I want to briefly tell you about the following verse:

Matthew 9: 32-33 King James Version
A mute speaks
"32 As they were going out, behold, they brought him a mute man, possessed by a demon.
33 And the demon cast out, the mute man spoke; and the people were amazed, and he said: Never has anything like it been seen in Israel

As we can see, Jesus did many actions where miracles, healings and liberations occurred, in this case we see that a man who could not speak was freed from a spirit that caused him that oppression not to speak, it is evident that there are evil entities that cause severe damage to health.

On the other hand, let us note the authority of Jesus Christ who, by only rebuking him, made the demon flee, because his power and glory are irrefutable, the father Jehovah has given him all power in heaven and earth, everything is subject to his feet and outside of there is nothing, being the first-born of creation, he is the owner of all of which he was given lordship in the universe.

There has never been and there will never be someone with a power higher than that of Christ, his sacrifice on the cross exalted him to the utmost, conformed by God as a priest forever, cleansing humanity of all filth which prevents them from approaching in trust God.


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