Instruments restored to serve

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Very good evening my brothers, God bless you more today I share with you this reflection entitled restored instruments to serve, part of which was the preaching of Sunday, January 16, 2022 at the Casa del Alfarero Church based in Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar State in my country Venezuela, stay until the end to continue affirming your faith in Jesus Christ, thanks in advance for reading, voting and commenting.

When an artisan makes a vessel, he does it with the best possible intention, however sometimes the vessels are defective and cannot meet the assigned objective, otherwise all the liquid that is going to be poured inside it would be spilled, in our In our culture, we generally use pots as adornments for gardens, putting beautiful plants in them, such as the colloquial roses, which are very beautiful, filling the house where they are placed with beauty and splendor.

There are also other types of restoration in the world, they are infinite in reality, for example another of the most famous are the men and women who are dedicated to the branch of mechanics, engineering or modification of certain vehicles, some are only based on the part of the engine, others in the aesthetics so that it looks beautiful and attractive at the same time, combining elements, improvising, giving it the distinctive magical touch that will characterize the whole piece, they do it with all the effort possible to captivate the public.

According to your assessment, what would you be willing to restore and why? Would you restore something that is not going to be used? Would you invest a lot of time so that it is only saved as if nothing had been done? I think not, although there are usually people who do it as a hobby, most of them have a specific purpose for that, that is, it is not in vain.

This is what Jesus Christ did with those who have accepted him in their hearts, have treasured the work that God began and continues to do in time when he takes people who have been sunk in sin behind God's back, those who do not they have hope and it has given them a new life purpose as a north, understanding that they will be used to continue converting more people.


Deuteronomy 10:12
"Now then, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you? Only that you fear the LORD your God, that you walk in all his ways, that you love and serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul".

God rescues us but it is not only by exclusivity, he tells us that we must also give grace, if we were restored from our wrong way of living, it is our duty to announce it by teaching the word of God, showing mercy, love towards others with insistence so that our father will like us.

Life makes no sense if we focus only on the material, giving rein to the flesh, making plans outside of God's purpose that lead to infamy and sin, turning away from the Lord, endangering our salvation, and Satan is an expert in diverting the believer.


If you are convinced that Christ is your lord and he sends you to the nations, it is time to take the corrections so that when you are in front of the white throne you can be rewarded, personally I do not feel worthy and much less that I have achieved it, I still have a long way to go but together we can do more, so let's encourage each other brothers to serve, because we are restored instruments to serve.


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