God fulfills the requests of your heart

in HeartChurch2 years ago

Dear brothers in faith and all the members, friends, readers of this great community @heartchurch may the Lord bless you greatly, I want to tell you that even if the tide turns high our God remains faithful fulfilling not only his promises but also the wishes of our heart, it is a little difficult to wait but he knows how to do it and when to do it because his times are not ours.


Human beings have a characteristic in common and that is that we always want things very quickly, someone starts a business hoping that business will prosper quickly to enjoy the fruits, if there is something we like to do it is to wait, it is uncomfortable for many unless others are already advanced in patience and have mastered that part of life.

The bible says the following and it is something on which we must meditate a lot:

Psalms 37:4 NASB Version
"Put your delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."


If we do a survey of how many of us like to wait, the results would surprise us, I think the percentage of those who prefer to wait would be very low, however, despite how these statistics would look, we must bear in mind that the Bible teaches us once and again that God's times are sometimes strange and that the more we delight in him growing in his grace, reading his word the word every day to see how we perfect ourselves by seeing the work of the Lord in our hearts.

Faith makes us believe in God through writing but with a good attitude, apparently God is pleased with obedience but with a grateful heart, on previous occasions I have mentioned that while we were facing the disease in my home, I learned that we must bless God, so we have understood that we must wait, delight in him and with a very good attitude, a natural father will be pleased with his children when they obey him voluntarily and will even reward them with a gift if it is within his reach economic.


God is also like that, when his children delight in praising him from the heart in the midst of adversity, if it is his will, he will move them to a land where they dreamed of living, where he will begin to bless them, there will be new challenges to face but he will be with them to show them that the God who sustains in the desert also appears in the land that flows with milk and honey, the heavenly father does not teach lessons to take us from glory to glory, serving him with good will, helping in the work of God, putting the gifts at the service of his name by the grace that is given to us.

Friend and friend, if you find yourself in the middle of the desert praise, delight in him, even in the midst of the sadness of crying, strive to sustain yourself with his love and truthful hand of love from him.


God bless you.


Excelente post. Dios siempre está con los justos y debemos siempre apoyarnos en él. Dios te bendiga. 🙏Feliz noche.

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