in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



There is absolutely no doubt with God as to where He is taking you to. He has His plans for your life laid out and He has vowed that His counsel for your life shall stand and He will do all His good pleasure. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 –

“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end”.

It doesn’t matter the level of opposition you see very clearly on your divinely appointed path; God has no alternative to where He is taking you to. He is God and He cannot suffer obstruction. He makes a way where there is no way. When the Israelites left Egypt and they got to the red sea; they must have thought that God had miscalculated. Moses came before the Lord in despair; but God was firm as to where He was taking them to. No going back, God told Moses to tell the Israelites to go forward.

Is your situation suggesting that God probably has miscalculated? No sir! The God Who sees the end from the beginning cannot miscalculate, He cannot miss His target. All things are open and naked before Him and there is absolutely no doubt with Him as to the destination He has earmarked for you. In Mark’s Gospel Chapter 4 verse 35; Jesus told His disciples to come along with Him to the other side. As they journeyed by ship; suddenly the waves blew against the ship and their getting to their destination became doubtful, seeking to find out if Jesus really understood what He mean. Jesus got up to address the situation and the waves were brought to submission. Every situation rising to oppose your divinely appointed path shall be brought to submission, because there is absolutely no doubt with God as to where He is taking you to.

When the Father of light beams the light of His sweet countenance upon your path, no agent of darkness can survive on your path and no demon big enough in hell or anywhere can withstand the brightness of your divinely appointed glory. Demons tremble at the presence of the God Who owns an holds you. You carry His presence, you bear His name; any power or personality standing stubbornly to oppose God’s Word over your life shall perish. God has no alternative to His divinely appointed path for your life; because, He has all it takes to get you there.


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