Don't get wise in your own opinion//🏠🙏🤗10% para la comunidad HeartChurch 💞🤗🙏

in HeartChurch2 years ago


Nobody fools himself; If anyone among you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become ignorant, so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness toward God; for it is written: He seizes the wise in their cunning. And again: The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. So let none glory in men; for everything is yours: be it Paul, be it Apollos, be it Cephas, be it the world, be it life, be it death, be it what is present, be it what is to come, everything is yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ to God.”

1 Corinthians 3:18-23

At the end of chapter 3 the apostle also ends the theme of the division in the church by summarizing everything he has said regarding the theme of wisdom that he has dealt with extensively in previous chapters. If we remember a little, there were certain members in the Corinthian church who boasted about their knowledge, however, Paul tells them that this without love is vain. That display of knowledge led them to have differences of opinion unand to form groups where some preferred the style of Paul, others that of Cephas, which is Peter, others that of Apollos, and finally, others said they belonged to Christ. First of all, Paul teaches them that without love, knowledge is worth nothing but only to inflate, also to show that the knowledge that is acquired in the world is of little value, and that wisdom is found in the message of the gospel, in the message of the cross, which for some is madness, for others a stumbling block, but for those who believe it is salvation. Clarified the point of true wisdom that comes from God, the apostle admonishes the Corinthians calling them carnal due to their divisive attitude and through the metaphors of agriculture and construction of buildings makes them see that each minister tills the land of God and builds the house of God, so that anyone who builds badly will be judged that day for his negligence at the judgment seat of Christ, and those who cause division in the body of the Lord commit a terrible sin that is punished with the same destruction. Now the apostle ends this discussion by making his readers see that the best way to acquire true wisdom and not fall into these sins is by becoming ignorant.



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