Jehová dará poder a su pueblo. Jehovah will give power to his people.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Tener paz en medio de la tormenta; nada que temer. Los bendecirá con paz en la tempestad; Los bendecirá con paz a través de ese poder por el cual controla la tempestad.



Jehová dará poder a su pueblo; Jehová bendecirá a su pueblo con paz. Salmo 29:11

Principalmente, una vez que tenemos paz Dios nos dará poder para triunfar en las adversidades que se nos presenten debemos consagrarnos a Dios.No hay temer, por lo tanto, en la tormenta, por muy feroz que pueda ser; que no tengan miedo en ninguno de los problemas y pruebas de la vida. en la tormenta, y en esos problemas y pruebas, puede calmar la mente; más allá de esas tormentas y esos problemas, puede darles la paz eterna en un mundo donde no hay "tormentas furiosas"

Las Escrituras nos aseguran que Dios ha construido a diferentes ministerios para mejorar a los santos y que un día esta perfección alcanzara su plenitud una vez que al final pasemos a la existencia de Dios y lleguemos a la estatura del Varón Perfecto, que es Cristo. Debemos agradecer a Cristo por su sacrificio que nos hace santos delante del padre.

Jehovah will give power to his people.

Have peace in the midst of the storm; nothing left to fear. He will bless you with peace in the storm; He will bless you with peace through that power by which he controls the storm.



Jehovah will give power to his people; Jehovah will bless his people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Mainly, once we have peace God will give us power to triumph in the adversities that are presented to us, we must consecrate ourselves to God. There is no fear, therefore, in the storm, however fierce it may be; that they have no fear in any of the problems and trials of life. in the storm, and in those troubles and tests, it can calm the mind; beyond those storms and those problems, it can give them eternal peace in a world where there are no "raging storms"


The Scriptures assure us that God has built different ministries to improve the saints and that one day this perfection will reach its fullness once we finally pass into the existence of God and reach the stature of the Perfect Man, who it is Christ. We must thank Christ for his sacrifice that makes us holy before the father.

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