(Esp /Eng) La bendición de Dios./God's blessing

in HeartChurch3 years ago

En dichos versículos pudimos encontrar a 2 hombres que mencionaban tener suficiente, un impío y un hombre de Dios, ¿cuál de ellos tenía realmente suficiente?



El primero es Esaú hijo de Isaac el cual se negaba a recibir los presentes de su hermano pues afirmaba tener suficiente: Y comentó Esaú: Suficiente tengo yo, hermano mío; sea para ti lo cual es tuyo. Por el otro lado vemos a Jacob, su hermano que además asegura tener con la exclusiva diferencia que este era producto no de una herencia terrenal sino de la bendición de Dios Acepta, te ruego, mi presente que te he traído, pues Dios me ha hecho merced, y todo lo cual hay aquí es mío.

Génesis 33:9-11 Y dijo Esaú: Suficiente tengo yo, hermano mío; sea para ti lo que es tuyo. Y dijo Jacob: No, yo te ruego; si he hallado ahora gracia en tus ojos, acepta mi presente, porque he visto tu rostro, como si hubiera visto el rostro de Dios, pues que con tanto favor me has recibido. Acepta, te ruego, mi presente que te he traído, porque Dios me ha hecho merced, y todo lo que hay aquí es mío. E insistió con él, y Esaú lo tomó. Reina-Valera 1960

Cuantas personas en la actualidad viven pensando en lo desafortunadas que son ya que no han logrado obtener ciertas cosas materiales y triunfos en la vida, y otras por otro lado viven sin Dios y creen no necesitar nada más pues han logrado ganar bajo los fronteras humanos y han acumulado ciertas riquezas; sin embargo va a ser esto suficiente para la vida del ser humano. Esaú mencionaba tener suficiente sin embargo en verdad estaba vacío ya que su historia carecía de lo de mayor relevancia que es Dios.

Esaú mencionaba tener suficiente ya que había heredado los bienes materiales de su papá y su esfuerzo lo había recompensado; pero no tenía a Dios en su historia. La verdadera satisfacción en la vida se apoya en tener a Cristo en el corazón, buscarlo en los bienes materiales o triunfos humanos es un error que varios como Esaú buscan, por ellos Jesús mencionó

God's blessing

In these verses we were able to find 2 men who mentioned having enough, an ungodly man and a man of God, which of them really had enough?



The first is Esau, son of Isaac, who refused to receive gifts from his brother because he claimed to have enough: And Esau commented: I have enough, my brother; be to you what is yours. On the other side we see Jacob, his brother who also claims to have the only difference that this was the product not of an earthly inheritance but of God's blessing Accept, I beg you, my present that I have brought you, because God has made me mercy, and everything here is mine.

Genesis 33:9-11 And Esau said: I have enough, my brother; be for you what is yours. And Jacob said: No, I beseech you; If I have now found grace in your eyes, accept my gift, because I have seen your face, as if I had seen the face of God, since you have received me with so much favor. Accept, I beg you, my present that I have brought you, because God has done me mercy, and everything that is here is mine. And he insisted with him, and Esau took him. Reina-Valera 1960

How many people today live thinking about how unlucky they are since they have not managed to obtain certain material things and triumphs in life, and others on the other hand live without God and believe they do not need anything else because they have managed to win under the human borders and have accumulated certain riches; However, this will be enough for the life of the human being. Esau mentioned having enough however in truth he was empty since his story lacked the most relevant thing that is God.

Esau mentioned having enough since he had inherited his father's material goods and his effort had rewarded him; but he didn't have God in his story. True satisfaction in life is based on having Christ in the heart, looking for him in material goods or human triumphs is an error that many like Esau seek, for them Jesus mentioned

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