What are you hearing 👂? 🤔

in HeartChurch3 years ago

AMP:Whoever is of God listens to God. [Those who belong to God hear the words of God.] This is the reason that you do not listen [to those words, to Me]: because you do not belong to God and are not of God or in harmony with Him. (John 8:47 )


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Ear is a very sensitive sense organ in our body.

And it's works faster than we could ever imagine.

That's why we should be very careful of what we listen and what we hear.

What are you hearing?

Are you hearing from God or you are busy hearing and paying attention to the things of the world and what people says about you.

What you hear is very important
And it is important you hear from God

What do you pay attention to?

Cause what we hear will send signal to our body and by so doing our body react to what we heard either negative or positive.

What are you hearing? Is it positive thing (words) that will add and also change your life or is it negative thing (words) that makes you stop moving or succeeding? 🤔

Let's start to work with what we hear first then this will improve our life daily.

Be very careful of what you hear and how you take it.

Our hear is very fast when it's comes to what people says, that's why we shouldn't give hear (attention) to everything people says.

Be careful dear friends of what you are hearing here you stumble and fall when you were suppose to moving forward and succeed.

Give another thought before putting what you heard into action.

Train yourself to start hearing from God, and God along and not people.

Thanks for visiting my blog

I'm @imadear


God speaks to us through his word. Although for some people at certain times God speaks to them directly. I've felt God's words in my mind a few times in the 40 years since I was saved but it's very rare. It was usually to answer what I was praying about. And usually I was praying about a question I had about scripture.

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