Finsihing strong part 2

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Finishing strong contd.

Today, I welcome you all to my blog, as I share with you an interesting topic titled FINISHING STONG part 2, a lesson for the contemporary Christians but before I proceed, I will like to appreciate the leaders and the parishioners of this great blockchain @heartchurch under the influence of our leader @sirknight, I pray the almighty God bless you as you read

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From my blog previously, we talk about 3 things to finishing strong, we talked about

  • Life journey
  • Obstacles
  • And lastly finishing strong
    So we continue from OBSTACLES
  1. Obstacles: 1corintians 16vs 10, many obstacles will hinder many people from not finishing strong
  • SELF/FLESH: when you feed the flesh more than the spirit, you will exhibit fleshy things
    What self does
  • flesh wants yiur neighours things
  • flesh will look at another woman and think her husband does not enjoy her.
  • flesh will blame everyone for their mistakes
  • SATAN: 1pet 5 vs 8, satan is our ultimate enemy
    JOB 41.
  • THE WORLD SYSTEM: The existing world system is headed by the devil 2conrith 4 vs 1 to 4. In the world there is no truth, in the world system, self comes first, but in God, God comes first, the world system approves materialism, the world systems approves financial.
  • FINISHING STRONG:Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    What does it require to finish strong
  1. Have a guideline for life. Things to do, where to go and 1timothy 4 vs 6
  2. Watch your reaction when facing obstacles in the journey
  3. Never quit or give up,instead of quiting, focus on the author and finisher
  4. Continually renew your mind, Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to @sirmiraculous for his usual support God bless you


It is clear that we have a race before us as Christians and devil our enemy will not want us to finish well, we need to stay focused..

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