The FidelitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

God's fidelity is great, unique, special and perfect, there is nothing like God's fidelity.



God expects us to practice what He teaches if God is a faithful God and we are called His children then we must learn to be faithful people. faithful is to be firm, constant in what we believe in the word we give.
How do we know if we are practicing fidelity, with other people or with ourselves and firstly faithful to God?

A person who is known for practicing faithfulness. Without happiness in their relationship, they tend to feel guilty if they hurt, avoid conflict, even more, but when we are faithful to God. When we are faithful children of God we care about others, it is being consistent, it is caring for others, it is caring for the feelings of others.

God's fidelity is perfect because he never fails to fulfill what he says, what his word promises is always faithful and true. In humans it is different that Fidelity is perfect because we are humans who make mistakes every moment, but the thing is not to focus on what we fall but to get up from error and begin to be faithful people imitating our Father Jehovah.

God hopes that we can fulfill Fidelity in Him even with little, sometimes we believe that in order to be faithful to God we have to be perfect and that we cannot comment on any error and that it has to be a great fidelity because or else it does not work. Well, it is not like that, let me tell you that we can be faithful even in the little, in the small, even in the nothing, still making mistakes but lifting ourselves up, and that in the midst of imperfection we can try to do things right, in the midst of the storm. we can remain constant, firm in God that is fidelity.

Matthew 25:21
[21] And his lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; You have been faithful over a little, I will put you over much; enter into the joy of your lord.

God wants us to strive so that we can show that if we can be faithful in a little, He only wants to see that disposition in us and God will reward us.

We can find ourselves in nowhere, we can see that we are in the middle of a huge problem that seems like we are alone, but even so, never stop trusting God that is fidelity, we do not turn away from God. To continue fulfilling and obeying his word is a sign of fidelity, it is more when we fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor it is fidelity.



But the Fidelity of God is great, unique, He is Faithful and True who remains forever in our hearts, who saved us and freed us from death, sin and who thanks to his love and fidelity we are called his children and God always complete what you promise your children.

Lamentations 3: 22-23
[22] By Jehovah's mercy we have not been consumed, because his mercies never fail.
[23] They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

1 Corinthians 1: 9
[9] Faithful is God, by whom you were called to communion with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

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