Faith In The Absence

in HeartChurch2 years ago

And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? — Genesis 22:7 (KJV).


In life,certain things necessary to receive the blessings are always ready before the blessings. In the process of waiting for the blessings,certain questions might arise in our minds.

We tend to ask ' where ' is the blessings. Most times the ' where ' generate worries that leads to ' how ' is the blessings coming? and ' when ' is it coming?

This was the case of Isaac,having seen everything necessary for the father to carry out a burnt offering to God and by his experience the most important thing was lacking ( the ram). Don't measure the next move of God by your experience.

Maybe you have some questions in your mind right now. Here's my faith but where's the blessings?, here's my certificate,but where's the job?, here's the money but where's the woman to marry,here's the readiness but where's the husband?, here's the.......but where's the......?

The question varies with personality but the answer is one: The Lord will provide(v8). We don't even need to know how and when,all we need to know is that 'He will provide '.

It's interesting to note that it's in God's nature to provide because His name is Jehovah jireh(v14).

The storms can't change His nature,the economy can't change His nature,our location can't change Him from who He's,our family background can't change our God.

Nothing can change Him from being who He's in our lives. Today I bring you the answer to every question in life: THE LORD WILL PROVIDE. It might not look possible logically,economically,scientifically,rationally,but HE WILL PROVIDE anyway.

Stop the fears,stop the worries,stop the anxieties,stop the doubts and go back to the Providing God with trust and assurance.

Before you were born He has been providing. When you were born He never stopped providing and He can't change now.

There might be no trace of a possibility and asking is healthy but we must agree with the answer. In the case of Isaac,he never argued with the father to explain the answer.

Even when his hands and legs were tied,put on the firewood and ready to be killed,he held onto the answer: The Lord will provide. How long can you hold on and not try to fight your way out in compromise. Will you rather disobey than hold on to the answer?

Let us be humble and pray because situations may change but our God remains the same.

I pray with you,Father help me to wait on you till the blessings,favor,breakthroughs and promises be fulfilled. Forgive my doubts,worries,anxieties,fear and compromises. Help me to trust you with everything,in Jesus's name. Amen. I love you.

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