UNDERSTANDING SALVATION 10% set to @heartchurch

in HeartChurch3 years ago

10% set to @heartchurch

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Salvation is not a new concept. It is God's free gift to man that was necessitated by the fall of man. The only problem however is that most persons do not understand all that salvation entails. This post is to the end that as many as will take time to read it, will understand clearly what salvation entails.

1. What is Salvation? (Rom 10:10, Col 1:13, Rom 1:6, Eph 2:8-10): Salvation is God's gift to man which was perfected by the death of Jesus Christ, His son. Rom 10:10 shows the sequence of salvation. You first believe in your heart then confess with your mouth and then salvation is obtained. Furthermore, Eph 2:8-10 points out clearly that salvation is God's free gift to man. There is nothing we have done to deserve it. Rather, it is given 100% freely by God to as many as believe in the finished work of Christ which seals our salvation.

2. What Happens in Salvation? (Jn 1:12, Gal 2:20, Col 1:13, 2Cor 5:17-21): Many believe that once you are saved that that is all there is to it. On one occasion, someone said to me;

nothing concerns my salvation with going to church.

Trying to imply that since he's saved, that he must not go to church to worship God. I wonder what informs such ideas. When you are saved, you are made joint heirs with Christ and have access to the father not as strangers but as sons. When we are saved or obatain salvation, we do not live our lives anymore but Christ lives in us and all we do are expressions of his finished work of love. According to 2Cor 5:18, God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We have been reconciled to God and this ministry of reconciliation is handed over to us that we should reconcile men to God.

3. What are the Reasons for Salvation? (Gen 2:17, Rom 6:23, Rom 3:23): Salvation is given primarily to bring life. Salvation is an exchange of death for life. It is also important to note that the primary reason for salvation is redemption.

4. What are the Expectations of Salvation? (Titus 2:11-12, Matt 3:8, Jn 10:10): The grace of God that brought us salvation enjoins us to live a sin-free life and yield fruits of genuine repentance.

5. What Does it Mean to Work Out Salvation? (Phil 2:13): Salvation is God's free gift to man so you have to consciously work daily to sustain what you've received.


God loved man and made it known through the offering up of His son as the propitiation of our sins. We ought to acknowledge this act of love and preserve it carefully when we receive it.


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