in HeartChurch4 years ago

During the early days where our mothers and fathers knew the lord, their best slogan was give me the Jesus but take the world but today I am hearing the opposite, our generation is saying give me the world and take Jesus or better still give us both the world and Jesus.

Can sweet and bitter water come out from the same source (James 3:11&12) or can is it possible to serve two masters at the same time? Matthew 6:24. The answer is no. So why then do we desire the worldly ways and how the world does it things than the church ways and how the church does it own thing?

Many things are troubling the world today, and we the church has so allowed it to affect us. Ranging from the way we choose our leaders in church, to the way we give, to the way we relate with our fellow brethren etc.

We want to be given an applaud when we give, just as the world does it;
We only help or greet those that greet us, just as the world does it;
We bring into power people that do not have the sound footing on God, people that are in church for more than thirty years(30) but yet are still toddlers in the Faith.
We bring in favouritism in church.
We do a whole lot of unthinkable things.

If the world is trouble shouldn't the church be a panacea or antidote for them?
While would the church want to act like the world?
Why would the church allow the world and its cohort to decide for them?
Why? Why? Why would we as the church wants to put God to shame?
Not in my generation, never at all.

May God help the church to be a great solution to the world.
The Bibles says anyone who loves the world is an enemy of God. James 4:4.
So I put it to singers would you love to be an enemy of God if no, then please seize copying the worldly dance steps or the way the world sings.

Again I put it to you oh! ye preachers do you want to be an enemy of God, if no, then seize from applauding members that only give huge amount of donations and tithe, seize from preaching the undiluted word of God, preach the truth.

Lets seize from doing evil, let the world see a need of copying from us. May God help us,Amen.

I am


A rescue follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Truly said, the Church is under much trials contenting with the world system and many atimes, we have dived into this system trying to have comfort. Unlike the church in the old where in the mist of trials and temptation they stood strong and Christ was everything they hungered for. I pray God revive hunger to serve Him faithfully in our churches once again. Amen.

A big Amen to your prayers.
May God help his church.

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