in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

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Reading passage:- Psalms 19:14.

14.Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

The Psalmist has gotten to a point of intimacy with God that he seeks to please Him even with the words of his mouth. He came to an abrupt conclusion that to please God one needs to have controlled over his tongue and a clean heart, that was why he prayed to God asking God to give him the grace to speak the right words and have a holy and right heart.

In the new testament Jesus said that every idle word spoken by anyone shall be given account on the last day(Matthew 12:36). As believers of the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ and also as those ready to make it to heaven let's all mind what we say, least we cause our mouth to sin against God.
Foul words should not be said by any child of God, not even jokingly or otherwise. If our body is indeed a temple of God then our mouth is also part of it, so mind what comes out of it.

I remain


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Much love💟💟💟

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