in HeartChurch4 years ago


The rat in the picture got caught by the rat bible we kept, although we didn't keep anything to entice it but I can remember those days we will keep crayfish or fish on top of the rat bible in other to entice it to come eat and then get caught and thereafter killed. Several times it has been working.

Here is the strategy; we will keep what the rat loves best, most times we mix it with rat poison or better still place it on top of the rat glue(rat bible) so when the rat perceives it, it has no other option than to follow where the smell is coming, when it gets to know without checking, it will quickly jump on it thinking it has gotten a meal for that day not knowing it is a trap.
Now after eating the rat poison that is mixed with the fish or crayfish, the poison will linger for sometimes before its torments the rat till it dies. Now if its the rat Bible that the rat jumped on, immediately it jumps on it, and it tries to run off, it will not be able to do so because of the glue on the stuff, it will then be glued there till someone comes to take it off, most times kills it.


Now the lesson I draw from this is that several times the devil has presented us with so many beautiful and appealing things that we most times cannot resist it, and when we grab it with two hands just like the rat jumping on supposed food we get glue to whatever it was and we are caught, unable to rescue ourselves.
Just like we use what will know the rat loves most the devil also uses what he knows we love most and woo us to fall flat on the face, I pray this never be our portion.

If money is what you love then the devil will use money to get you;
If women is your weak point then get ready to fall into the devils trap of sexual immortality;
If fashion, fame, materialism is your own then the devil won't hesitate to turn you over;
Is it food then be sure to die of it, even the bible says God hates gluttony, so we ought not to love food that much.
What ever is your own please try to work on it least it least it turns you over to the devil.
Remember the devil is never tired, he is the busiest thing I have ever seen, always jumping from here to there looking for who to devour.
My prayer is that he won't catch any of us napping, I pray we will be vigilant, i pray we wont be a prey to the devil, i pray we wont get devour by the devil, In Jesus Matchless Name Amen.

I remain


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