in HeartChurch4 years ago



Reading Passage:- Galatians 6:9

9.And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Have you ever seen someone being tired of helping another person? If you haven't I have seen it. In shot let's not go far I have done gat before and I have been a victim of it before.
Well it's sometimes human nature to feel tired but here is the bible telling us that we shouldn't be weary in doing good. The moment you and I starts feeling tired, weary or reluctant in showing kindness or helping another meanness will set it immediately and we might probably hate or start backbiting the other person which you know its already a big sin before God.

You know if the person you backbite about should get to know he or she will not be happy and it might probably bring a huge bridge between the both parties or it may lead to distrust or even end of a relationship or friendship? It could also cause a fabric in Christianity and you may not be blessed by God or better still you loose out from God's reward for you. So if you know it to rescue the situation we ought not to be tired in doing good.
May God help us never to be weary in doing good, Amen.

I remain


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Much love

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