in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


Good morning friends and brothers from heartchurch, today I want to share a post with the title: THE EFFECT OF HUGS ON LIVES.

And getting up, he came to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him, and was moved with mercy, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. Luke 15:20

Expressions of affection are very common in the Latino community, how Venezuelan I can say that this is very characteristic of us. Expressing our affection, gratitude and acceptance towards someone is accompanied in most cases by hugs that reflect and make us feel affection towards others.

Some people are not very open to receiving hugs, in fact, on several occasions I have met people who when you greet them with a hug they remain stiff, hard, hermetic and you do not receive the same response to the impulse that you are giving, which is not for unpleasant.

Unaffectionate people are afraid of being rejected and create a typical “defensive” posture; tense shoulders and neck, stiff hands and joints - inadvertently - alert gaze

This is very likely to happen for many reasons, among which are: past trauma, abuse and damage received, lack of love, especially by parents, and all this creates patterns of rejecting or not enjoying this type of manifestation of affection. I have met several such people, and they have all been victims of unwelcome events in their lives. However, I firmly believe that Jesus Christ can heal all wounds and revive a new heart that is full of love and desire to enjoy life and start over.


Hugs have very direct effects on the human brain, emotional and also physical consequences. The relief that a hug produces when there is pain is similar to that of some analgesics, as explained by neurologists such as Pablo Eguía, from the Spanish Society of Neurology, to inhibit this information and give priority to the information from the touch receptors ”.


The human somatosensory system transmits to the brain the different qualities of the contacts “the stimulus that occurs in the skin is picked up by the mechano-receptors, ascends to the brain and has as its final destination the associated areas capable of integrating stimuli of all kinds, both visual and auditory information "as Eguía explains," probably at the brain level a hug or caress activates brain circuits capable of blocking or reducing the input from the injury or extremity where there is pain

A hug can change the life of someone who is going through the valley of shadow and, to someone who has lost a loved one, to someone who has no hope, to someone who knows that they have done something very wrong and do not feel deserving. no good. A hug could exemplify God's embrace of lost and sinful man. But, are we willing to embrace the one who according to our criteria does not deserve him?



Hugs are used as inner healing therapies and restoration of lives, families, friends, as well as marriages and relationships that have been affected by evil. We can find many testimonies that show us that hugs have a positive effect.

Benefits of hugs on a psychological level

Increases the levels of oxytocin that helps us to generate relationships of trust. mutual as well as certain patterns of behavior, both maternal and paternal.
Stress levels decrease, this is especially important for caregivers since they approve of their patience and, at the same time, relax the patient.
Generic for anxiolytics; allows adequate coping with conflicts, complicated and difficult moments.
They increase the release of dopamine which produces greater motivation as well as an improvement in attention and, therefore, in learning.
Increased self-esteem since it produces well-being in the people we love.
It gives us security, protection, positivism.
Helps to improve our mood.

Today is a Good day to Hug and Love our fellow man. Thanks for reading this post.


 3 years ago 

What you said is true, I have an elderly mother, and what I do each morning is to give her a hug. Each time that I do that I see has smiling. That is the power of hugging, how often do you hug people? OK thank you for sharing see you later and bye.

Hello @Maxdevalue, what a nice comment. How nice that your mother can receive that gesture of love and appreciation in the form of a hug. God bless you, thank you for reading, commenting and supporting my post.

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