in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Most of the time we have talked a lot about internal beauty, not about the appearance that today is easy to fix with surgeries and fashion accessories, it is about what each woman carries in her soul. This beauty is in the heart and not everyone can perceive it.


My mother has a clothing brand and she always told me that she wanted to highlight that inner beauty of women and her pieces were intended to raise that internal strength that women carry, she told me it is how to return identity to those who have lost it.

"Today observe your qualities, not your defects"
-Graciela Hernández-


If only we realized that whoever created us made each one of us with a wonderful design, that essence that we carry inside is like a perfume that must spray each person and each place we arrive. Now ask: Why do we let them physical defects that we see in ourselves drag and destroy the beautiful things we have? Why do we give more importance to the negative than to the positive? There is an infinity of beauty behind our insecurities, behind what we question ourselves and that makes us sick with fear.

Many confuse appearance with beauty, beauty is what we carry inside and that is where there are more defects, I call them the defects of the soul. The important thing is the soul. What is under clothing, what cannot be seen and is invisible. That which has its place beyond the naked eye. The true beauty is the inner one, the only one that does not perish, the only one that cannot be taken away and that can only be seen when looking with the eyes of the soul. We will rise up as warrior women loved by God to share that beauty that we carry. inside we will see that life will be more pleasant.

"You can only see well with the heart, because what is essential is invisible to the eyes."
-Saint Exupèry-.

Beauty can be built and it comes from the inside out, the word says that the joyful heart beautifies the face and that's right, a heart willing to love will always be reflected on the outside.



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