in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

There is a saying that "with the truth I neither offend nor fear" and at this time it is necessary to raise our voices and speak with the truth and according to what the Bible establishes for each one of us.

Ephesians 4:29
29 Let not a bad word come out of your mouth, but only one that is good for edification, according to the need of the moment, so that it imparts grace to those who listen.


Any word that is good for the edification of the family is opportune in these moments of moral crisis, social and political that the world is experiencing, because family values ​​have been declining in our society and it is necessary to relearn them and put them into practice so that they produce values ​​submerged God's rules.

In this order of ideas, I would like to reflect on something that I read out there that has been happening as a result of the pandemic that the world is going through today and that has a lot to do with this approach.

Proverbs 12:22
22 Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

Speaking the truth pleases God and shows fidelity to him therefore we must each speak truth with his neighbor and declare it to the world by raising our voices


We have seen that during the covid19 many presidents and governments and the normal and authentic real fight to overcome this epidemic have sought much greater power in some cases absolute power to lead their nations according to them in favor of the liberation of this pandemic but what can be To appreciate in the roundness of the world is that in many cases they have taken advantage of this situation to accelerate other agendas and to obtain the approval of laws that in other circumstances would not be quickly approved.

For example, I was struck by some information made in recent days in a case such as in the state of California where they are running a law so that in stores there is not a section for girls and others for boys, but a single section and do not talk about boys 'clothes and girls' clothes but let them choose according to their tendency according to what they feel in their body and in their personality and really this is a trap to allow laws that go against the God's law therefore we must not yield to their whims the parents of families must not allow the rulers of the world to accelerate their liberal agendas that lead in many cases in favor of the destruction of the family

It is necessary that we have our eyes open as parents and children of God because this is a fight between good and evil as children of God we have to raise the truth in the name of God to preserve the good moral and mental health of all


Thank you for share this written, help us to think better about our words and conversations. God bless you.

Pandemic, no doubt has given undue advantages to some to achieve the evil things they have been nurturing in their heart. This does not exempt leaders of nations. Children of God should not keep quiet even if they are trying to shut us up but continually speak the mind of God. God Bless you.

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