You are a prince of power

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Through you and i, God wants to bring many people into the same blessed union and fellowship of the Spirit that we are, so their lives can also have meaning and purpose with divinity

As you are born again, even if you still have the same physical body, your spirit has been remade in the likeness of Christ. This is what Jesus made possible for us. He gave us His own life and nature of holiness, he took our place of sin and wrong on the Cross.

You are a prince of power with God. Try and understand, acknowledge, and appreciate your new being in Christ. You have been thrown to a life of victory, success, prosperity, hope, and assurance. But that’s not all.

For us, there is a live a life of purpose. As you were born again, you were born into a life of purpose with Father. You’re God’s extended, your hands are hands of blessing to your world

It doesn't matter what you were, just give your heart to the Lord. It doesn't no matter what others might have talk about you, it would not amount to anything in life

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